Page 1 of Runaway Love

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The hum of the vehicle is all I can currently focus on. Right now, I don’t trust my thoughts. If I think about the situation I’m currently in any more, then I’m going to ruin the leather seats in this Sedan.

Thanks to the lack of food I’ve taken in, I’m not even sure what’ll come up. Either way, my stomach feels unsettled. Just like the rest of my body, I’m focusing on keeping my senses straight.

Now is not the time to panic. Not while the only other person in the vehicle has a whole list of problems himself.

“He’s a good man, Daria. He’ll keep you safe.” My father is frowning as he says the words, his attention glued to our new surroundings. He’s not even looking at me. I’m a bit thankful.

I don’t want him to see how I’m currently feeling. He’s trying to do what is best for me.

Though, for some words that are supposed to be reassuring, they’re having quite the opposite effect. If fear weren’t getting the best of both of us, this trip might be more enjoyable.

Morocco looks to be quite beautiful. If only this were some traveling trip.If only.

Knowing his thoughts are currently preoccupied with the long list of threats he’s received throughout the week, he’s still finding the time to reassure me during our trip. Right now, it’s the best he can do.

I grimace at the double meaning of his words. Knowing I’m not going to get anywhere by arguing with my father on the subject, I keep my mouth shut. Still, I wish he’d understand how awful this is for me.

I don’t want to be dropped off at some random location. Who cares about my safety?

“Please don’t give him any trouble. He’s sticking his neck out for the both of us.” The steering wheel crinkles beneath his clammy grip. “He’s putting himself at risk too.”

I’ve never met this man before. For good reason too. My father has always kept me away from any of his ‘business transactions’, away from the whole criminality that surrounds his money-making schemes. If he has good faith in my soon-to-be babysitter, then I should too.

“I understand,” I return when he sends a look in my direction. “I’ll do as I’m told.”

My father looks away and returns his attention forward as I swallow down such a sour taste in my mouth. We’re getting closer and closer to our destination. Once we arrive, I’ll have to give one sorrow goodbye. One I am not looking forward to in the slightest.

“What is his name again?” Trying to prepare myself for the inevitable, I might as well know as much as I can.

“Idris.” Hoping to get a little more information out of him, my father says nothing else.

I don’t have anything to base the guy on, not even a picture or anything. I’m left wondering what kind of man I’ll be staying with. My father hasn’t spoken much about him before, so I might as well be going in blind.

“How do you know each other?” Biting on the inside of my cheek, the questions keep coming. If my father won’t open up, I’ll give him the push he needs.

“Business partners.” Meaning, this guy also dips his hands into illegal goods. Awesome. Is he surethisis the best place to take me?

“Is there any way you’ll change your mind about staying?” I ask as my heart thumps up in my chest at the thought of being alone.

“No, Daria. That will defeat the purpose. It won’t take long for them to track down my location, but if I can keep you safe, that’s what’s important to me. Idris will keep you safe.” He presses the idea like he wants me to believe him.

With a tired look, he ends my game of twenty questions. The next one dries up on my tongue anyway.

I can’t possibly understand how he can think I’ll be any safer with a man I don’t know.

Biting my lip to keep myself from complaining, the best I can do is nod my head and hope that my stay won’t last forever. Hopefully, after a week or two, I’ll be back in the comfort of my home.

“We’re here.” My father clears his throat and brings my attention to our surroundings.

The car slows to a stop and I press my face to the window to see where I’ll be staying. We reach a large black gate, one that crawls up toward the clear sky. After hearing my father speak through the small speaker box, I watch the gates open up.

Whatever my father is trying to shield me from, I feel an odd sense of protection behind the bars.

“How long will I be here?” I ask, hardly trusting my voice as the vehicle slides past the entrance. Maybe if we’re on the same page, the idea of my stay only lasting a week will be more achievable.

My father doesn’t speak, and the silence is deafening. Even without getting an answer, I feel like I already know what he’ll say.
