Page 10 of Runaway Love

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What did William tell her? Did he give her false hope, a promise of getting her out soon? I want to ask, but prying doesn’t sound good at all. I don’t want to risk hearing something that will extinguish my confidence in succeeding in getting what I want.

When she spins and catches me watching her, she gasps and stumbles back. Catching herself on a display stand, I watch the horror form in her eyes as the vase on the stand wobbles.

If it shattered in a million pieces, I’d live. Though, I can’t help but laugh when she’s quick to put her hands on the object to save it.

“Sorry, sorry. I just didn’t expect—”

“It’s fine,” I assure her as I approach. “No harm done.”

When I offer my arm, she looks at me curiously before wrapping her hand around me.

“You’re in a good mood,” I muse, unable to help myself. “Practically glowing.”

Her cheeks turn a shade of pink and it’s such a tease.

“You think?” She looks away as I continue to guide her down one hall to another.

Honestly, I have no location in mind. I simply ached to feel her touch and now I’m hoping one of the countless rooms jumps out to me.

“You’re blinding. It almost hurts to look at you for too long. Trust me, my eyes hurt.” Trying to joke, she gives me a side eye before pursing her lips.

She doesn’t look happy now, and I wonder if I’ve said something wrong. I was trying to compliment her.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” I fumble as we come to a stop.

Daria stares up at me and all I have to do is look down at those blue orbs to feel like I’m sinking into the depths of the ocean.

“You’ve been watching me.” The words come out less like a question and more as a statement.

Well, I did let that slip out. It’s the truth, and I knew I’d be caught eventually down the line. I never would’ve guessed I’d be the one shooting myself in the foot by admitting the words out loud.

Biting her lip, Daria releases my arm but doesn’t pull away. Surprisingly enough, she shifts so she’s in front of me. While I don’t know what she’s planning, I have to swallow down a curse when she steps a little closer.

She’s brought in the smell of mangos with her. I don’t even know what products she uses, but the smell always clings to her. Normally, I can handle the distant aroma. Up close, I get a tingle right down my spine and it’s a shot straight to my cock.

Knowing I’m not one to be turned on by fruit, it’s the only excuse I’ll be able to give if she notices the way my body arouses from her simply being close. So close that I can easily touch her if I want to.

Hell, Ireallywant to, who am I kidding? All I have to do is lift my hand and I’ll finally be able to run my fingers through her sand-colored hair.

She lifts her hand and, ever so lightly, touches my chest. Against her fingertip, I wonder if she can feel the way my heart is racing. Then she drags it lower like she’s exploring.

It’s like she’s getting payback for earlier when I kissed her hand. Did I make her feel this way? I’mterrible. She’s worse, flicking her nail against one of the buttons against my shirt.

Her lips part and I try to prepare myself for whatever she’s going to say. A second ticks by, turning into another. When her cheeks turn a shade darker, my fingers curl at my sides.

“You shouldn’t stare,” she finally blurts before twisting back around. Before my thoughts can even catch up with me, I’m watching her make a run for it.

I want to chase after her and demand to know what’s going on in her head. I’ve embarrassed her. At the same time, her touch felt like such a tease. While my insides are screaming orders to make the woman mine, I force my feet still.

If she got a good look at me now and saw the way my body is responding, I’d give her a good scare. Not able to trust myself, I do the best thing I can and turn around.

Sometimes, distance is good. The last thing I want to do is pounce on the woman and make her think I simply want her body.

Adjusting myself in case I catch any wandering eyes, I run my fingers through my hair with a sigh. Looking in the direction she ran, I push down another tempting thought before moving. Making my way to my bedroom, I’m aching to relieve the stiffness between my legs so I can be able to think clearly.

I’ve held on for as long as I can, but I’m not sure I can go another night without thinking about the woman when I stroke myself. With how pent-up I’ve been feeling lately, I need a release badly.

