Page 5 of Runaway Love

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William hoped she’d see it as a vacation away from everything stressful. Throwing these urges in her direction is the opposite of what she needs.

Finishing my cup, I wait for more questions to come flooding out of the woman, but I’m quick to learn I’ve answered all of her curiosities.

Good. I’m not too sure how much longer I can last while having those curious blue eyes pointed in my direction.

* * *

“If there’s anything in particular you want, I’m sure I can get my hands on it.”

We enter my favorite room and the gasp that leaves her lips fills me with satisfaction. Good to know Daria is a book lover as well.

“My selection of books in English is slim, but there’s still plenty to keep you busy. I spend a good amount of my time here whenever I’m free.”

She drifts away from my side and shifts to look at one of the many shelves that line the room. Plucking one out, she gives it a quick look through.

“Maybe I can spend my time here learning a new language. That’s one way to help pass the time.” Staring at the foreign symbols on the page, she soon snaps it shut.

“I can assist with that.” Not sure if she’s being sincere or sarcastic, I continue to watch her move about. When she comes across a set of double doors, I follow her when she gives them a push.

Leading out to a balcony, the view of the back of my home makes the woman suck in a breath. So far, I’ve loved all of her responses. Each time she’s pleased, I feel it right through my bones.

“You like what you see? It is quite nice reading out here when the weather is kind.” Breathing in, a floral scent drifts up from down below. “You can thank my gardener. He has quite the pride in his work.”

Leaning against the rails, Daria sighs softly. “It’s beautiful.”

The gardens don’t come close in comparison. It takes strength to pull my eyes away from the younger woman. Especially when the wind wants to catch her hair at the right angle and make it drift behind her.

She’s got a soft smile on her lips, but her eyes still hold so much sadness behind them. I wish William would hurry and call back from whatever place he chooses to hide out in. Any reassurance that he’s still breathing has to be what it’ll take to bring some light back to her eyes.

“How about we continue with the tour?” My chest feels a little tighter when she doesn’t respond straight away.

Distracted with her thoughts, I don’t rush her at all. Once she pulls herself away from the view, she follows me out of the library.

“You can get your steps in here,” she mumbles, looking around as we continue walking.

I have a room with a gym, used more by the staff. I consider telling her that she’s free to use it, but then I think about her sharing the room with strangers. Even if I do trust them, I don’t like the thought of any of the male staff ogling the beauty.

Instead, I take her to the room where I work out. It’ll be quieter and more enjoyable. That’s what I tell myself as I bring her into the large room.

After admitting that she’s not much into exercising, I still put the offer out there. Then I take her to another attached form and she scoffs.

“Even an indoor pool…” She sounds in disbelief as she shakes her head. “If I’d known, I’d have brought my swimsuit.”

“Well get you a new one,” I encourage, “I can get my hands on whatever I want. Just say the word.”

Her nose scrunches and she looks at the crystal-clear water. “I’m guessing I’m not allowed to leave this place to shop myself.”

I don’t want this place to feel like a prison. There’s plenty of space for her to roam. Still, that is the case and I can’t change it.

“For your safety, Daria. Like I said, I’m happy to get you whatever you want. I want you to enjoy your time here.”

She sighs and I feel my chest ache for the woman.

“How about I take you back to your room and you can settle until dinner? I’m sure you’re exhausted after your flight and that long drive.” Ushering her out of the room, we head back to the hall with too many doors to count.

“I’m not sure I want to eat,” she mutters as we walk. “I don’t have quite the appetite.”

“Well, I can’t let you starve under my watch. How about I leave you a wrapped-up plate, something you can heat up in case you get hungry?” Stopping at her door, she gives me an appreciative smile I’m not prepared for.
