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Eve wore the same clothes he had seen her in before leaving. Not that she couldn’t come out in public dressed so casually, but it was abnormal for her. He’d never seen her leave the house in sweatpants.

The first bang in the sky came out of nowhere. Eve flinched, turning her head even more into his chest. She wasn’t even looking up at the sky.

Why had she come then?

What had frightened her?

Firework after firework exploded, lighting up the sky.

Chatter wove around them, but more deluded as the bangs coating the air took residence over anything else.

He grasped her more firmly, placing another kiss on her head. This time she didn’t flinch. Despite the colors painting the sky, his eyes were on her. Question after question pelted his mind and he didn’t know where to start. He needed to know why she’d come. Why she appeared so scared.

“I got you,” he whispered finally, still unsure of the right thing to say.

Her arms, which had been tucked to her stomach, wove around his body. Then her fingers gripped his shirt.

The fireworks were over before he knew it. No questions had left his lips. He peered over her head, making contact with Juliet, who frowned. His eyes belayed the unasked question. He had no idea what happened. She nodded, packing up her belongings along with the things he had brought. Even Bryce, Denise, and Melody said nothing to them as they also packed up.

The crowd dispersed, and Griffin sat on the blanket holding Eve. She didn’t lift her head once.

He had no idea how much time had passed before they were the only ones left in the park. Quiet surrounded them for the first time that night.

He lowered his lips to press another kiss to the top of her hair when her head lifted. His lips landed on her nose instead.

She shivered at the touch, her hands grasping his shirt even more, to the point he felt her nails scrape his skin.

Though it was dark out, the park had a few streetlamps lighting the area. With her eyes finally meeting his, he could see a red mark on her forehead.

He lifted his hand, brushing her hair and her skin lightly across the mark.

“What happened?”

“I…” She let out a tiny breath, closing her eyes.

This time his lips caressed the mark, making her shiver once again.

“Talk to me, Eve. What happened tonight? You didn’t look at the fireworks once, so I know you didn’t come here for that.”

Her eyes opened.

His fingers dusted across the mark. “What’s this from? You hurt yourself.”

“I fell off the couch. Hit my head on the coffee table.”

He waited, knowing there was more to the story. Waiting for the reasonwhyshe fell off the couch.

“I thought someone was in the backyard. I heard a few noises. It startled me. My planter was knocked over.”

His fingers dug into her skin, his hold on her strengthening. She trembled but didn’t move away, so he knew it wasn’t from fear he was harming her.

“You should’ve called me. I would’ve come over right away. Did you see someone?”

A quick shake of her head answered him, though her eyes betrayed her as if she lied to him. Why lie about it?

“I’ll drive you home. I’ll take a look around.”

She nodded, lifting her head some more. The position put her in better alignment with his. A quick dip and he could kiss her. Taste her sweet lips.
