Page 168 of The Lovely Return

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I didn’t think this level of happiness existed. But love prevailed.

The next day, we bring Juni home. Shadow sniffs her and immediately becomes her best friend, staying right by her at all times. I stand in the doorway of Lily’s old bedroom, which has been turned back into a nursery. Penny has painted a mural of bunnies, chipmunks, and a red dog in a meadow of flowers. In her crib, Juni is sleeping under a mobile of twirling butterflies. She is a quiet baby with ocean eyes. I sense an old soul in her.

Down the hall, Penny is napping in our bedroom. I join her there. Without waking, she curls up against me, her face pressed over my heart. I gently stroke her hair as she sleeps.

Be careful what you wish for. Make it count.

Because you just might get it.
