Page 27 of Catered All the Way

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But he didn’t.

“Your hair was in your eyes again.” He kept right on petting my hair like I was some new breed of Irish Setter. He continued to sound dazed, as if his actions and words were surprising him too. “And maybe I like touching you.”

“I like it too.” I dropped my voice to a whisper lest I break whatever spell he was under. “You can keep going.”

He didn’t say anything, but his touches became more deliberate head caresses, fingers trailing down to my neck and back up.

“Just don’t turn weird after and ignore me for two days.” Me and my big mouth.

Atlas dropped his hand. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” I grabbed his hand, returned it to my neck. “You’re clearly working some things out.” I took a breath, needing another hit of courage. “But…you could work them out with me.”

“Like the other night?” Atlas sounded way more intrigued than horrified.

Excellent. I couldn’t sound too excited, so I waited a moment before replying. “Is that what you’d like? A repeat?”

“No.” He didn’t stop touching my hair, but I deflated anyway. So much for going out on a limb.


“No, I mean yes. Not the jerking though.” He quirked his mouth. “I want…more. Like that. But more touching? Is that a thing?”

“It is definitely a thing.” My pulse sped up at the idea of showing Atlas all the joys of frot. I glanced over at the limp air mattress on the side of the room. “Please tell me you won’t kick me to the air bed after.”

“Never. You’re staying with me.”

I wish. Not very likely long-term, but a guy could dream. “Good.”

Before I even finished the word, Atlas pulled me out of my chair and hauled me toward my room so forcefully that my feet scarcely touched the ground. But hell if I would tell him to slow down.

Especially since as soon as we were in my room, Atlas peeled off his T-shirt.

“You don’t have to get—” Whatever chivalrous impulse I’d had died as Atlas pushed off his sweatpants. I’d seen him in only a towel the other day, but I’d been actively trying not to gawk. And I’d seen his cock in the dim light of the bedside lamp on Friday, but now I could see the whole package, and what a package it was indeed. Tall. Jacked. Tats, including that phoenix over his pec. It was an impressive piece of body art, but the tat had new meaning since he’d revealed more about his family situation. And the tats were simply the beginning of his hotness. Dark, dusky wide nipples and the cock every aspiring porn star dreams of having. “Oh, hell yes. Damn. Do you get your mail at the gym? Sleep there too?”

“I’m not all that.” Atlas frowned, looking down at his chest and, apparently, seeing something far different from what I saw.

“Trust me, you very much are, and I might never remove my clothes again.” Compared to Atlas, I was a movie extra. No one was mistaking me for a porn star or action hero, and even fluffers were undoubtedly hotter than short, nerdy, and bearded gamers.

“You better.” Atlas practically growled the words. “Maybe I should remove them for you.”

“Please.” I didn’t even try to play reluctant, eagerly helping him pull my shirt off. I wasn’t ripped, but hopefully, enthusiasm counted for something. And then Atlas stunned the hell out of me by dropping a kiss right in the center of my belly as he bent to push my jeans down. I inhaled sharply. “Oh.”

“I like your body.” The smile he offered me was downright dopey. “I can’t explain it, but you’re…warm. Homey? Comfortable? I’m not making sense—”

“I’ll take the compliment,” I said quickly before he could compare me to a teddy bear or something cuddly. After sending my jeans to the floor, Atlas straightened and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, tugging me onto his lap. Being naked and on Atlas Orion’s lap was more awkward than I would have guessed, and my skin heated. Trying to regain some sense of inner control, I shifted until I was straddling him. “That’s better.”

Continuing to seize the initiative, I brushed my mouth across his. But Atlas immediately took the control right back, claiming me in a kiss almost bruising in its intensity. For someone without a ton of experience, Atlas sure knew how to kiss. And kiss. He sipped at my lips, nudged my tongue, and held me close as his hands roved over my back. Each pass of his broad palm and wicked tongue made me shudder until I was unashamedly grinding against him, and we were both breathing hard.

My cock rubbed against his rock-hard abs, and given enough time, I could undoubtedly come from the one-two punch of kissing and friction. However, Atlas kept making sexy-as-fuck impatient noises while kissing me with a fervor I hadn’t known before.
