Page 70 of Our Bender

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I squinted to see better as I reached up and touched his ear. “Do you have a pierced ear?”

His eyes snapped shut and he tried to gently force my head back down. “Time for sleep, G’night,” he said immediately.

I laughed out loud. “I’ll get that story out of you one way or another,” I warned before relaxing back against him.

22. Josie

The next morning, I woke up and rolled over to find a completely empty, cold bed. My heart rate skyrocketed until I saw a crack of light coming from the bathroom door.

He must’ve heard my bed creaking, because the door quickly popped open and Tyler stood there brushing his teeth, shirtless with his sweatpants hanging off his hips.

I squinted to get a closer look. “Tyler, is that my toothbrush?”

His face split into a shit-eating grin and all the toothpaste made it look like he was foaming at the mouth. “Maybe,” he mumbled.

“Ew,” I threw a pillow at him, which he snatched in a second. He kept it tucked under his arm and laughed as he turned back into the bathroom to clean his mouth.

Seconds later, he was leaning against the doorframe, his impressive abs on full display. “We’re about to do a lot worse, baby.” His eyes roamed over my body.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, I tugged my blankets higher.

His eyebrows pinched together. “Unless…”


“Did you change your mind? About giving us a chance?”

I bit my bottom lip, trying to contain my giddy smile. “Nope.”

He grinned so hard I could see his dimple. “Then why the hell are you covering up?” He stalked toward the bed, grabbed my ankles, and pulled me down the bed so I laid at the edge of it.

I giggled at his eagerness, but my giggling quickly stopped when he kissed me full on the lips and his hands roamed to the exact spots I needed them, almost like he already knew more about my body than I even knew myself.

“So beautiful, Josie,” he whispered against my skin as I completely lost myself in him.


After our stomachs started growling, we finally decided to leave bed and find some breakfast. He led me through the downtown streets to a cute hole-in-the-wall bakery, and I thought we were going to stay there, but he surprised me by ordering take-out.

“I want you to myself,” he whispered in a husky voice that sent shivers down to my toes.

Now we were back in my bed eating our feast and throwing questions at each other while reruns of New Girl played in the background.

“Favorite kind of day?” I asked him.

“In bed with the girl of my dreams,” he said, shooting me a wink.

I nudged his shoulder. “I mean outside, dufus.”

“Oof,” he pulled a sour face. “Let’s retire the term ‘dufus’,” he said carefully. “Your dad calls me that all the damn time.”

That made me burst out laughing, and he couldn’t tamper down his own chuckles either. I would definitelynotbe retiring that word.

“Okay, I like freezing cold, blue sky days,” he answered, shoving his last syrupy forkful in his mouth.

“Hmm, those are underrated. I like summer nights where you can wear a hoodie and shorts. What’s your sign?”

“Aries,” he said. “Yours?”
