Page 21 of Single Stroke

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Closing her eyes because there was nothing else she could really do, Louella asked, “Why are you grateful I didn’t stay on Earth, Jax?”

“Because you are my mate.”

Her eyelids flew open. “How do you know that?”

“No other female has smelled as sweet to me as you.”


“Ahn’hudi males scent unmated females. Those females whose scents are pleasing to the male are potential mates.”

“So, you took a sniff and decided I was the one for you?” Louella asked, the pleasure of being called “pretty spark” fading underneath a swelling wave of ire.

“There’s more to it than that.”

“Such as?”

“You are beautiful, more beautiful than any female I have ever seen,” he said, seeming to realize that he’d annoyed her. “I admire your courage and resourcefulness. You did what no one has ever done before in escaping the Sivuul. Our young will be strong and intelligent.”

“Assuming a lot there, aren’t you, buddy?”

“I have chosen you and your body responds to mine,” he pointed out.

Louella felt heat suffuse her cheeks and neck as more heat pooled low in her belly. “You can’t say that to me!”

“Why not? My fangs ache to mark you. My cocks—”

“Fangs? Mark me?” Her voice squeaked.

“My primary cock will claim your sweet, wet pussy and my lesser cock will pleasure your other hole.”

“Other hole?” she squeaked, eyes widening and butt clenching as she realized what he meant. “Oh, no, buster. There will benopoking anything in my anus. That’s an exit-only orifice.”

Yas’kihn inhaled and scented the heady aroma of her arousal. His pretty spark was not as averse to being claimed by him and mated to him as she pretended.

“Hey! What are you—” she bucked and squirmed within his arms as something eased between her thighs and stroked her sex. “That’s not your hand!”

“No, it’s not.”

“I didn’t—”

“Do you dislike it?”

Louella clenched her teeth, because honesty would not permit her to state she disliked what he was doing to her. In fact, her body liked the intimate touch of his tail all too well. “I didn’tconsent.”

“Then tell me you want me to stop.”

She growled as the tip of his tail penetrated between the wet, swollen lips of her vulva to stroke her even more intimately. Her hips bucked and she could not help the whimper of pleasure that escaped her mouth.

“I will stop if you do not like my touch,” he whispered into her ear, his breath wafting warm and moist over her skin.

“Deeper,” she moaned and flushed with embarrassment.

His tail penetrated her more deeply, stroking in and out of her body as he held her close. His free arm wound around her hips so he could flick, stroke, and tap her clitoris. A moment later, Louella arched as waves of pleasure washed through her body.

“You were made for me,” Yas’kihn crooned, his voice a strange combination of triumph and strain. “You aremymate.”

