Page 32 of Single Stroke

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“Return soon,” Jax commanded in a low, sexy growl that made her belly quiver and her pussy gush.

Louella headed for the small bathroom before she could succumb to her overactive libido. While in there, she saw her reflection and gaped. She ran a hand over her bare scalp.What happened to my hair? Will it grow back?Stepping into the cleansing unit, she examined her transformed body as the refreshing mist scrubbed her clean. After drying herself, she wrapped the cloth around her body, knowing that it wouldn’t last but a second before Jax ripped it away and he fucked her again.

Not that she was complaining. She’d had sex before, but that limited experience could only be described as lackluster and disappointing compared to the thorough possession of the general superior’s attention.

“Jax?” she asked as she emerged from the bathroom. She swerved away from his reaching hand.

He frowned at her, then whipped out his tail which wrapped around her leg and drew her toward him. As she expected, he pulled off the towel.

“Mine,” he murmured before putting his mouth over an already distended nipple and sucking on it.

“Jax.” Louella moaned and took a shuddering breath. “Jax, I have some questions.”

He drew back with obvious reluctance. “Ask, pretty spark.”

Self-consciously, she skimmed a palm over her scalp. “Um … my hair.”

He tilted his head to one side, not seeing anything unattractive in her baldness, but realizing that she disliked it. “It might grow back.”


“I do not recall any of the other brides permanently losing their hair.”

“Oh. I feel naked without it.” She averted her gaze.

Yas’kihn extended his hand and cupped her cheek, gently turning her face toward him. “You are beautiful whether you have human hair or not. Many Ahn’hudi females do not; their blood is considered the purest and they are the most desirable.”


“We are descended from dragons,” he said, chin lifting in pride, “the noblest and more fearsome of ancient beasts.”

“Dragons,” she echoed and thought that might not be as problematic as believing humans were descended from apes. She rather preferred not to think of chimpanzees as her close cousins … although she had cousins who would cause those chimps embarrassment, especially that waste-of-space crackhead, Tyrone. She shook her head, dismissing her drug-addicted cousin from her thoughts.

“You don’t mind? Really?” The words burst from her mouth, and she hated the needy whine of her voice.

“I do not lie to you. I will never lie to you,” he said.

She sighed and allowed his words to comfort her. “Jax, I—”

The door chimed.

Yas’kihn handed her the cloth he’d removed from her body and rose, uncaring of his own nudity. “Enter.”

Louella dove beneath the covers to conceal her body as the door to their quarters slid open. Captain Ashtul entered, nostrils pinching at the pungent odor of sex permeating the room.

“General Superior Yas’kihn, we will be landing in Kaan-Shar shortly. The delegation from Ahn’hudin awaits you,” the captain said. “A droid will provide you with appropriate clothing.”

“You have my gratitude, Captain.”

The captain nodded. “I will inform the delegation that you have claimed your mate.”

Louella’s cheeks heated with embarrassment. The captain did not look at her, keeping his gaze firmly focused on the hulking Ahn’hudi warrior. “There is no need for embarrassment, honored matron, for you shall bear young.”

She blinked, recalling what Jax had mentioned. “I … I didn’t think I could … er … have children.”

The captain tilted his head, still keeping his gaze focused on Yas’kihn. “I heard of the human ambassador’s duplicity on Ahn’hudin. The human ambassador to Kaan attempted much the same thing via injections administered to the brides we received. How many injections did you receive?”

“Um, just one,” she replied and searched her memories. “Oh, shit, I was supposed to get the second the morning after the meet-and-greet, but the embassy was attacked and … and …”
