Page 43 of Single Stroke

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The female did not blanch, but she averted her gaze away from Louella. The human female’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped open in surprise. She blurted, “You were one of the brides! I remember hearing about you. The Sivuul kidnapped you!”

Louella frowned. “Were you a bride, too?”

The woman shrugged. “I’m Meredith. None of the suitors picked me in the bride games, so I was given to the emperor.”

Her tone was bitter.

Aghast, Louella blurted, “You weren’t offered a choice as to what you wanted to do?”

“I couldn’t go home and, frankly, this is better than what I had back on Earth.”

“But it’s not right! You were supposed to be a bride, not a … a …”


Louella again felt heat sting her cheeks. She looked away, embarrassed and offended on Meredith’s behalf.

Meredith took pity on the hybrid empress’ discomfort. “Being Gudren’s concubine wasn’t that bad, especially as he preferred Istolk. She’s not lying about being his favorite. I mostly served as window dressing or arm candy, something exotic and expensive to admire and own and flaunt in front of other high muckety-mucks.”

“Are there any other humans in the … er … harem?” Louella asked, choking on the word.

“I’m the only one. In the year or so since you were kidnapped, I’m the only human bride who wasn’t chosen. It was a bit of a scandal.” She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “Why are we here if the new emperor is mated?”

Jax, who had listened to the exchange with avid interest, answered, “I merely wish to inform you that your services are no longer needed. You and the other females in Gudren’s stable will be paid for your service and offered transportation to wherever you wish to go.”

Istolk nodded and sank in an undulating curtsey that was strangely and unspeakably graceful. “Thank you, Your Majesty. But if I should opt to remain on Ahn’hudin?”

He shook his head. “You do not have that option.”

“Ah. Then may we have some time to ponder the options we do have?”

“Of course. If you are in communication with the other concubines, please inform them as well. An official announcement will be made later.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“How much?” Meredith asked, eyes narrowed in calculation. “You said you’d pay us for our service. How much?”

“Enough to establish you in modest luxury for the remainder of your lifetime if you do not squander the funds,” Yas’kihn replied.

Meredith pursed her lips as she mentally calculated an estimate, then murmured, “I could go to college.”

“The funds will be yours to do with as you will,” Jax said.

Meredith curtsied and smiled. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The crewman ushered the two females from the room.

“That was generous of you, Jax,” Louella commented and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

Yas’kihn savored her embrace. “The human female’s assignment was dishonorable. We Ahn’hudin do not condone slavery.”

Louella tilted her head back and smiled at him. “I think you’re going to make a wonderful emperor.”

Yas’kihn speared a choice morsel of food from the heaping platter the crewman set in front of him and held it to his mate’s lips. “Eat, pretty spark. We’ll arrive on Ahn’hudin tomorrow.”

“That soon?” she asked and took the bite of food from his talon and chewed and watched as Ashtul murmured to his mate who filled his plate then hers. The female had yet to speak a single word.

“We’ll reach a wormhole shortly, and that will take us most of the distance,” he said and popped a bit of meat between his jaws. After swallowing, he asked Ashtul, “Captain, does the meal find favor with you and your mate?”
