Page 45 of Single Stroke

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“—and they died in combat, but for the one I spared to verify my words. He will be interrogated by the Solari who will confirm this truth. I defeated Gudren, defending my honor and my mate’s honor.” Yas’kihn took a breath. “My union with human bride Louella Cordelia Jefferson has been verified and blessed by Pator Herrimond, high priest of the Solari.”

Yas’kihn extended his hand. Wearing a gown of thinnest silk beneath the despised gown of ribbons dangling from a collar, Louella moved forward to place her palm upon his and let him draw her forward. She hoped no one could see the deep brown of her nipples through the nearly transparent fabric and the cascade of ribbons, because the Ahn’hudin apparently did not understand the concept of foundation garments.

A collective gasp arose from the assembled crowd when her image appeared before them.

“As you can see, my beloved bride has completed the metamorphosis from fully human to Ahn’hudi hybrid,” Yas’kihn announced. “My mate is the bride abducted by the Sivuul. I honor her courage and resourcefulness at having escaped their capture and surviving against circumstances that would have defeated any hardened, experienced warrior!”

Louella felt her cheeks heat at this loudly spoken praise.

“My mate is both a warrior and a healer!”

Cheers arose from the crowd.

“And I, once the highest ranking warrior of all Ahn’hudin, am now your emperor! I will serve Ahn’hudin’s best interests as emperor with the dedication, passion, and honor I served as your general superior.”

The cheering rose, loud and pervasive, filtering through the spacecraft’s thick walls. When it quieted, Yas’kihn resumed speaking.

“I do not address you from the remoteness of the royal palace, but here in the port that connects Ahn’hudin to the universe,” he said, establishing himself as an emperor for the people of his planet rather than as untouchable royalty above them. “With my ascension to emperor, however, our government has vacancies.”

The crowd remained quiet, if restless, as they anticipated the news.

“Colonel Horas mek Ul’Sinha, step forward.”

Horas moved to stand beside his former commanding officer, his back straight, shoulders squared, chin held high, and crest erect. Not too shabby, but he’s not as impressive asmymate, Louella thought.

Yas’kihn drew a dagger from a sheath dangling over his groin. The finely honed edges of the long, thick blade glinted beneath the overhead lighting. Yas’kihn drew the tip of the blade down his sternum over an existing scar, leaving behind a thin line of red blood. He scraped the flat of the blade over the blood and presented the weapon to Horas who was garbed in the same manner as his emperor. Horas took the dagger and wiped his emperor’s blood over his sternum, then drew the scalpel-sharp tip down so that the emperor’s blood mixed with his own.

Neither male made a sound or showed any sign of pain during the barbaric ritual.

Horas handed the knife back. Yas’kihn licked it clean and sheathed it. Then he lifted his yellow gaze to the view screen and announced, “I introduce to all Ahn’hudin your new general superior, Horas mek Ul’Sinha!”

The crowd erupted in clapping and cheers. Louella wondered if any of them actually knew Horas or if they were simply caught up in the excitement. She suspected the latter.

Yas’kihn intoned, “General Superior Horas mek Ul’Sinha, you have command over all Ahn’hudin’s military and will serve as advisor to and defender of the crown of Ahn’hudin. May you serve with honor, courage, and dignity.”

Horas bowed, then retreated beyond the range of the view screen where Evangeline quietly fussed over him and Sarus anointed the cut with a special salve that would quickly heal the laceration while leaving a clean scar.

The view screen went dark.

“Jax, you’re still bleeding!” Louella cried.

The watch officer stepped forward and handed her a clean rag and a small jar of the same salve. Louella dabbed the wound clean then dipped her fingertips into the jar. At her hesitation, Jax said softly, “Smear it over the wound, pretty spark. It will not harm me.”

She pressed her lips together, sighed, then did as he bade her. She did not notice the admiral, newly promoted to vice general, leaving the bridge.

“What now?” she asked as she wiped off her fingertips.

“We’ll wait a bit and have a snack while we wait.”

Wait for what?Her mouth curled in a small smile as she shook her head. “So prosaic.”

He exhaled and ran a hand down her bare arm. “If we had time, I’d fuck you.”

Her cheeks heated again. “Jax!”

“If you do not think Horas and Sarus are considering the same with their mate, then you have failed to understand the powerful attraction between mates.”

Louella glanced at Evangeline who was currently undulating beneath the stroking hands and tails of her mates. She gasped and realized she could smell the sweet, musky odor of Evangeline’s arousal. She averted her gaze.
