Page 51 of Single Stroke

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“Louella and I need to go out,” she announced without preamble, standing in the open doorway.

“No. It’s not safe,” Horas replied first.

“We’ll be safe if we have an escort,” she insisted. “We’re going batty cooped up in that room, and I want to take Louella shopping.”

“No,” said Yas’kihn.

“Why not?” she challenged, without respect for his lofty position and authority.

“My mate goes nowhere without me,” he replied.

“That’s not practical,” Evangeline objected. “You won’t be able to accompany her everywhere, nor can you expect her to wait around until you’re available.”

“I can and I do,” Yas’kihn said and ignored the soft snorts from Horus and Sarus.

“I’m not your fucking pet or your slave, Jax,” Louella said as she came up behind Evangeline. She moved around the other woman and entered the room. “You can’t keep me cooped up. I won’t tolerate it.”

The Ahn’hudi officials in the room watched with avid interest, their crests raised. Sarus rose to his feet.

“If you will allow, Your Majesty, I will escort our mates where they wish to go,” he said.

Yas’kihn considered the offer as well as his mate’s determination, independent nature, and resourcefulness, and bowed to the inevitable. “Vice General Sarus, I will have your head if anything happens to my mate.”

“Of course,” he replied with a bow. He headed toward his mate and extended his arm as though to sweep the women ahead of him. Evangeline retreated.

“Thank you, Jax,” Louella called over her shoulder as she dashed back into the confines of the other room.

“Thank you, Sarus,” Evangeline said when the door closed behind him.

He wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled her. “I know you and how determined you are, little flame. It’s better that I go with you than you and this other female go off by yourselves and court trouble.”

She grinned. “I knew you’d see it my way.”

“Always,” he murmured with a low chuckle. He took a breath and said, “Find your leashes.”

“What?” Louella gasped.

“It’s difficult enough to manage one female’s safety. You will wear your collars and leashes,” Sarus insisted as he held up his mate’s collar and leash.

Evangeline’s mutinous expression belied her obedience to his order. Louella retrieved her collar and leash.

“I know you dislike it, but there are some expectations here that you cannot change today,” Sarus said, seeing and recognizing Louella’s resentful expression. He paused, then added, “Of course, you may forgo the collar and leash and remain ensconced here.”

“Not on your fucking life, asshole,” Louella muttered resentfully. She handed the hated accessories to him and Sarus gave them to Evangeline with a quietly murmured request that she be the one to put the collar on Louella and attach the leash.

“Yas’kihn will kill me if he scents my touch upon his mate,” he explained.

Evangeline fingered the collar circling her throat. “You know I hate these things.”

“I know, little flame. But just days ago a female was stolen from her family. She has not been seen since.”

“You think a leash would actually stop that from happening?”

“No, but I will not take that chance.”

“But I thought we were safe here,” Evangeline protested even as she handed the end of Louella’s leash to him.

Sarus ushered the women forward and said, “This is a port city with many diverse species who hold even more diverse customs. It’s dangerous here, especially for unaccompanied and unguarded females of desirable species.”
