Page 13 of Prince of Sin

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I fish out the Boston Cream from the box and take a dramatic bite. Her eyes follow my movements, watching me eat the donut.

I pull the sweet treat down from my mouth. There's still half of it left in my hand.

"Wait a minute," I say to her, my eyes wide. "Open your mouth for a second. I thought I saw something."

She looks confused, but she complies.

As soon as she does, I shove the other half of the donut into her mouth. The chocolate frosting goes all over the corners of her lips. The shock is written all over her face, and it's priceless to watch.

"Don't fight it," I whisper to her with a big smile on my face. "Just give into it."

The sides of her lips quirk up and her mouth starts to move. Within seconds, the remnants of the donut are gone and she looks happier than I've ever seen her. That must have been enough to ignite her appetite, because there's no stopping her now.

She eats another two donuts plus a bagel and breakfast sandwich, downing it all with a cup of coffee. I just sit and watch her, happy to see her letting all of her inhibitions go.

This might be a good time to mention that she's giving me another hard-on, which is weird. See, I've never been a guy to get aroused from food porn.

I did stumble on a video once where the girl pretended to be a duck and it was sort of like this foie gras situation, but that jerk off was strictly for science. I needed to know if I could get off to it.

Mission accomplished.

Since I haven't ever gotten a stiffy from watching a girl eat before, I realize it has to do withherrather than the fact that she's eating.

Dammit, I really need to stop lusting after this girl.

"So," I say to her, trying to discreetly adjust myself. I grab my own cup of coffee and sip as the sun climbs further and further into the air. "We obviously are in the same grade, but none of the same classes."

"As far as I've heard, you never really go to class." Her answer shocks the hell out of me. I guess all the eating loosened up her tongue a bit. She's still acting shy, but that was the first time she's said more than two words strung together.

"That's because I'm smart," I say to her, "and try to be efficient with my time."

She gives me a confused look.

"Let me elaborate," I say, turning to sit up on the tabletop again. "Why do people go to school?"

She shakes her head.

"Don't overthink it," I say.

"To learn things."

"Okay, but why do people need to learn things?"

She thinks for a second before responding. "So that they can get a job?"


She looks relieved when I tell her she's got the right answer. Like she almost thought she'd be punished for getting it wrong. I file that little piece of information into the back of my mind, but continue our question and answer game.

"So, if someone knew they didn't need a job when they got older, would there be any point for them to go to classes?"

"You won't need a job?"

"Not in the traditional sense," I say, thinking about my father and the family business. "No."

"I think it's still good to learn things," she says quietly.

"Yeah, but I'm not really interested in any of the things they're teaching at school. Besides, I can teach myself those subjects. The important ones I already have."
