Page 38 of Prince of Sin

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"Okay," he says, throwing his hands up.

"I'm just fucking with you man," I say with a laugh, lowering my gun. "But seriously, stop being such a douche."

We both turn at the sound of footsteps down the hall.

"Awe, fuck," I curse as I realize he let go of Raven and she's run off again.

Another 90 seconds of chasing her through the back hallways of the cathedral and we're back to the same situation again. Except, this time, I make sure that I'm the one to hold onto her.

It'd been 13 years since I'd last touched her, and the moment I do, I realize just how much I've been craving the feeling of her body pressed up against mine. I lean my head down and that beautiful, dark hair of hers smells like crisp, night air.

"Okay, so if you're not going to kill her, then what?" Tony asks.

"If today is the day that our Lord calls me back, then so be it."

Raven can't see me, but I give her a look full of disdain. I don't like the idea that she's so ready to die.

"No one's calling anyone to go anywhere," I say, shaking her slightly.

"So, then what?" Tony asks.

I grimace as I try and think of a solution.

He's right.

I cannot leave her here. I haven't seen her in over a decade, but something tells me this version of Raven wouldn't keep quiet about the murder of a priest, even if she found out that he was running guns and drugs for a rival mob.

Even if I could blackmail her into silence, there's no way that I ever would. I've kept her secret safe with me for more than a decade. I could never betray her that way, even if she did run away from me all those years ago.

My eyes sweep her up and down and I take stock of her outfit. She's wearing a white dress made out of thick material and her hair is cut much shorter than I remembered it.

I put two and two together.

She's a nun.

I announce the only possible solution to this situation.

"She's coming with us."

"What?!" both her and Tony say at the same time.

"I don't need arguments," I say. "I need action. Let's go." She turns her head up to look at me. I can see the disbelief in her pretty eyes.

"You can't be serious," Tony mutters.

I force myself to break away from her gaze and stare at him. "What did I say? Get going."

All three of us shuffle to the other side of the sanctuary. Tony picks up the body bag that contains Father Murphy. Raven says a prayer and makes the Sign of the Cross.

"Alright, alright," I say as all four of us pile into the Escalade. I sit in the back with Raven and instruct Tony to turn the child locks on.

"Please don't make me bind your hands," I say to her. "I'd rather not."

She shakes her head. "I've accepted my fate."

"And what fate would that be?" I ask.

Tony chimes in with a bad joke. "Sitting with you in the backseat," he laughs to himself.

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