Page 49 of Prince of Sin

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I try and remind myself of the resolve I had when I was first taken here. I felt assured that my Lord would protect me. But now, inside these stone walls, so far from His light, I feel as if my faith is being tested.

I feel weaker than I once did.

The door opens and the person I see on the other side surprises me. It's a priest, or at least a man who is dressed as a priest. It's hard to know what is real and what is fake within these walls.

"Sister Neriah?" he asks me.

"Yes?" I reply.

"My name is Father James and I'll be escorting you to the ceremony this evening."

I stand and brush the wrinkles of my gown away. I've been provided with a few fancy outfits while the rest of my wardrobe is apparently "in the works," but I've chosen not to change from my own attire.

I take slow, measured steps towards him.

"Thank you," I say to him as I reach the threshold to my room. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course," he responds.

"How did you find yourself here? Working for men such as these?”

"All of us need the Lord," he replies. "Perhaps men such as these need Him more than those who have already found Him. Surely you know of the prodigal son?"

"Yes, very well," I reply.

"I have seen it as my calling to assist such runaways."

"Do you not feel in danger?"

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil."

I nod my head, understanding what he is telling me. I can tell that his faith is strong.

A pang of jealousy hits me, which surprises me. Jealousy is not something I am used to feeling these days.

"This way," he says and turns down one of the dark corridors.

"May I ask what this ceremony is?" I say as I follow him.

"I wish I could give you more information," he says. "Teddy only asked that I come and get you. He thought knowing that another member of the church was here might give you some comfort."

"He is right in that," I sigh, not knowing how to feel about Teddy's kind gesture.

"I sense that you are distraught," Father James says. "I live on the other side of the mansion," he says. "Next to the chapel."

"There's a chapel?" I wonder.

"Yes," he says. "There's a small chapel on the property. It's been vacant for a number of years, however with your arrival, he specifically asked that I return and revive it. I arrived this morning. Has no one given you a tour?"

I shake my head. "No." I reflect on my behavior in the last 24 hours. "Although, I am not sure that is their failing. It is probably my own."

"I am sure you could ask Teddy to show you around. I know the circumstances under which you arrived are not ideal. However, I will say that he has been a bit different since your advent."

"Different?" I find myself asking. "Different how?"

Father James stops in front of two large oak doors. He turns and smiles at me. "A conversation for another time, Sister," he replies. "For now, I must leave you. May the Lord be with you," he says to me.

"And also with you," I reply as he turns and walks away.
