Page 87 of Prince of Sin

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"Please don't stop," I plead, desperation coloring my voice. "I need you, Teddy. Keep fucking me, please."

He leans his forehead against mine, his blue eyes searching my face. There's a battle raging within him, I can tell. But he shakes his head, regret etched in his features.

"Soon," he promises, his voice soft and full of longing. "I need you too. But we promised we'd play this game a little longer."

"Damn this game," I think bitterly, my heart pounding and frustration mounting. But I know he's right. We agreed to this, to push each other to the edge and see how far we could go before breaking. And as much as I hate it, I can't deny that there's something thrilling about it too.

"Fine," I manage to choke out, trying to steady my breathing. "But you better make it worth my while when this is all over."

"Trust me," Teddy says with a wicked grin, grabbing my hand as he pulls away. "I will."


I've never felt arousal quite like this. To be fair, except for my experiences with Teddy, I've never felt aroused during sex at all. But there's something about the way he touches me, the way his blue eyes lock onto mine with a mixture of desire and adoration that makes me feel alive in ways I never have before.

It's like he's opening up my world and showing me that there are so many possibilities. Something I thought I could give up for the rest of my life suddenly I am craving from him over and over and over again. He seems to know it too, or at least feel it, because he keeps looking at me and smiling. I feel genuinely happy and like I might have a future with him.

"God, you're beautiful," he murmurs, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin as the fading sunlight casts a warm glow around us. The attraction I feel for Teddy goes beyond just his lean build and handsome face; it's the way he listens to me, the way he makes me laugh, the way he accepts me, flaws and all. My heart swells with affection for him, body and soul.

The entire day was something I'll never forget. It's not that we did anything particularly special. It's just that doing it all with Teddy made it special. Not to mention the fact that I am beyond soaked for him right now. He never gave me a break, stealing touches and more whenever he could.

When he pulls the car to a stop, I look around and ask, "Where are we?"

"Do you recognize it?" he asks, a playful glint in his eyes.

I look at our surroundings a bit more and get out of the car. The sunset is painting vibrant colors across the sky—red, orange, and purple bleeding together like spilled ink. The crisp night air hits me, carrying the scent of damp grass and dewy leaves. I can hear the distant sound of a dog barking somewhere in the neighborhood. There's a picnic table against a simple park, and I realize where he's brought me.

"Teddy... this is where we first had breakfast together," I say, my voice awash with nostalgia. "Where I told you my deepest secret."

He nods, his eyes filled with warmth. "It's where I fell in love with you too."

With a soft smile, he sits on the picnic table, his feet on the bench just like he did all those years ago. I can't stop myself; I run to him, and he catches me in his arms. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I look up at him, but I'm smiling. "I love you, Teddy. And I'm sorry for running away. I was just a stupid girl who didn't know what she was doing."

He hushes me with a gentle, yet passionate, kiss that sends shivers down my spine. He pulls back and says, "None of that matters now. What matters is that we're together."

As I straddle him, confidence surges through me. My love for Teddy has never felt stronger. I may not understand it, but I know that I feel it. All this time, I thought I was running from him, but I was wrong—I was running away from myself. And he's always been here, waiting for me to come back to him. Tears flow down my cheeks, and I realize that to Teddy, I'm the prodigal child.

He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me into a deep kiss. Our tongues tangle, and I can't imagine kissing anyone else other than Teddy for the rest of my life. His hands roam my body, exploring every inch of me as if memorizing my very being. I pull back, looking into his eyes and whisper, "Please, Teddy. This time, please let me go over the edge with you. I don't think I can take it anymore."

His eyes darken with desire, and I can almost taste the anticipation in the air. This moment, right here, is where I finally feel alive—where I feel like I belong.

Teddy grins and nods his head, pulling me into another searing kiss. As our lips meet, he lifts my shirt up and over my head, my bra following suit. The night air kisses my exposed skin, but I couldn't care less about anyone potentially seeing us. All I can think about is being with Teddy—coming together, becoming one.

"Teddy," I moan as his hands find my breasts, twisting and teasing my nipples. He chuckles against my neck, causing shivers to dance down my spine.

"You sound so sweet saying my name like that."

As if in a trance, my hands reach for his shirt, tugging it off him. My fingers roam the strong planes of his chest, feeling his biceps flex beneath my touch. His lips move from my mouth down my neck, nipping and sucking the delicate skin there, marking me as his own. He's claiming me, and I couldn't be happier. I rock my hips into him, desperate for more contact.

"Teddy, let me taste you," I plead, but he shakes his head. Instead, he gently flips me over, laying me down on the table, my legs hanging over the edge.

"Later, Darkness. Right now, I want to taste you even more."

My heart races as he pulls my leggings and panties off in one swift motion, leaving me completely exposed. I feel vulnerable, nervous even, and try to sit up, but he gently pushes me back down.

"Relax," he murmurs, sensing my uncertainty.

"I've never done this before," I admit to him.
