Page 92 of Prince of Sin

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"They were. Until they convinced him I had something to do with the Irish. And then they told him Marco was killed." My heart clenches as I reveal the twisted lies that have torn my world apart.

Father James looks worried, his brow furrowing as he processes the information. "I'll try to talk to Teddy, see what's going on. Maybe I can get through to him, make him see reason."

"Please hurry," I plead, desperation clawing at my insides. "I don't think I can stay in this cage much longer." He knows my history; he understands the trauma that lurks beneath the surface.

"Keep your faith, Raven," he admonishes gently. "Remember the story of Jonah in the whale's belly. Even during dark times, never lose hope."

"I'm trying," I whisper, feeling the last remnants of my faith slipping through my fingers like sand. "But it's waning."

"Pray," he urges, his eyes imploring me to cling to the last vestiges of belief. "Hold on to your faith, even when it seems impossible."

"Okay," I agree, my voice barely audible. As Father James disappears into the darkness, I close my eyes and offer up a silent prayer – a desperate plea for salvation in this cold, unforgiving hell.

"Please, God," I pray, my heart heavy with fear and longing. "Help Teddy see the truth. And help me find the strength to survive."


I sit in Primo's old office at the mansion, surrounded by leather-bound books and the faint scent of cigar smoke. The documents on the mahogany desk lay before me like a map to a life I never wanted. I sigh, rubbing my temples as I try to focus on the numbers and names swimming across the pages. But no matter how hard I try, I can't get Raven out of my mind.

The fact that she's down in the dungeon haunts me, trapped like an animal because of Carmine and Enzo's accusations. They showed me the proof they had – or what they claimed was proof. The video footage was grainy, making it difficult to discern who it really was. But Enzo's loyalty is unquestionable, and I have no reason to doubt him. Yet, the gnawing feeling in my gut tells me otherwise.

My phone rings, shattering the silence. I snatch it up, desperate for a distraction from my thoughts. "Yeah?"

"Teddy, we got a shipment coming in tonight," the voice on the other end says. "We need you to handle the distribution."

"Fine," I grumble, rubbing my eyes. This is not how I want to spend my time, but Giovanni would've done it, and I'm supposed to be filling his shoes now. "Send me the details, and I'll take care of it."

"Will do, boss." The line goes dead, leaving me with the echo of a life I never asked for.

Every fiber of my being screams against this new role, but I force myself to focus on the task at hand. I pull up the necessary files on the computer, trying to drown out the image of Raven's face, etched with betrayal and pain. My love for her still burns bright despite everything, and it's tearing me apart.

"Damn it," I mutter under my breath, clenching my fists at the weight of it all. This isn't what I wanted, but now that I'm in it, there's no turning back.

As I stare at the computer screen, trying to concentrate on the business item, my mind drifts to Marco. Why was he at that warehouse? It doesn't make sense. Was he lured there by Raven? But when would she have had time to do that? Unless she was acting through the Irish?

"Fuck!" I roar, standing up abruptly and clenching my fists. The anger is a foreign feeling, but it consumes me. Frustration and confusion bubble up inside me until I can't take it anymore.

My knuckles collide with the wall, creating a hole in the plaster. Pain shoots up my arm, but it's nothing compared to the turmoil inside me.

"Anger is like holding onto a burning coal with the intent to throw it at someone else," Father James says as he walks into the room, his eyes filled with concern. "You're the one who gets burned."

"What do you want?" I snap at him, not in the mood for any of his profound bullshit.

"I want to talk about why the woman you love is locked away like an animal in the dungeons beneath this mansion," he replies, his voice steady and calm.

"Because she betrayed me and the family," I say, my voice trembling with anger and hurt. "Carmine and Enzo showed me the evidence, and there's no questioning it."

"Is that truly what you believe, Teodoro?" Father James asks, looking me straight in the eye. His gaze pierces through my defenses, forcing me to confront my own doubts.

"Enzo has been loyal to us for years, and Carmine...I don't know what to think," I admit, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "All I know is that I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know what to do about it."

"Let your heart guide you," Father James advises me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It knows the truth better than any evidence."

"Maybe," I murmur, my gaze drifting to the hole in the wall. But right now, all I can feel is the pain of betrayal and the weight of my family's expectations. And that's enough to make me question everything I thought I knew about love and loyalty.

"Have you considered talking to her?" Father James suggests, his voice low and steady. "Ask Raven what really happened."

"Are you kidding?" I snap, my hands balling into fists. "She had her chance to speak up, and she stayed silent. That says enough."

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