Page 28 of Midnight Conviction

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Snorting, Luna lets her composure slip and flashes me a look, her eyes slipping down to where Atlas is still holding my hand. “You don’t want to know the rest.”

This does nothing to calm me, and I long for Star to be at my side, but I purposely called her back to me as I didn’t want to antagonise the situation further. I have no idea what I’m about to walk into, and even the darkness in me is alert and wary. Atlas squeezes my hand, and I tell myself that this is the reason people are looking at me so strangely. The last few times we’ve been seen in public together, we’ve kept some distance between us, especially in front of the queen so she doesn’t realise how close we’ve become. It seems that Atlas no longer cares.

As we reach the hall far sooner than I hoped, I attempt to prepare myself. Witches are hurrying inside, and I get the impression the meeting is just about to start from their out of breath and frantic states. Expecting to wait outside, I pause, only to stumble as the others continue to move forward. Atlas shoots me a quizzical look, but I don’t have time to explain as Kano strides into the hall without waiting to be introduced, the three of us following behind.

The hall is buzzing with energy, packed full of so many witches, I’m surprised I don’t see more of them in the corridors. Everyone sits in the tiered seats that take up two thirds of the circular room, and I see that many are dressed haphazardly like they threw their clothes on in a hurry. With this meeting being called so last minute, I don’t blame them. Whispers start up as we walk into the room and down the gap between the tiered platforms, my name on many people’s lips. Trying to ignore it, I keep my head high as we walk forward. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest that I swear everyone must be able to hear it.

Pausing at the base of the seating area, I look up and search for a row of seats when a presence appears at my shoulder. Turning, I jump as I find Ivar there, and I press my free hand to my chest. Atlas makes a noise of annoyance beside me as he takes in the witch, but I ignore him, trying to calm my breathing.

Ivar smiles apologetically. “My apologies, Laelia. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His dark eyes glisten, and while they still creep me out, he doesn’t scare me like he once did.

Taking a deep breath, I give him a small smile. “Good morning, Ivar.”

I’m aware of my companions’ reactions around the witch, especially their surprise at me sharing pleasantries with him. It makes me feel for the dark witch, his gift not an easy burden to bear. However, it either doesn’t seem to bother him or he’s very good at hiding his true feelings.

He dips his head at the greeting, his smile widening as he senses the genuine nature of my words. “The queen has requested that you sit down at the front this morning.” He gestures to a bench at the base of the tiers with enough space for myself and my companions.

Sitting at the front is the last thing I want to do, my gut twisting at the thought of being so visible, but I know how to pick my battles, and this isn’t worth it. “Thank you,” I tell him and head over to the seats without further prompting, Atlas and Luna following behind.

Sitting on the bench, I glance at the witches behind us, giving them a tight smile, watching as their eyes widen. I turn back to face the front, Luna on my left and Atlas on my right, but when I look for Kano, I find him still standing, staring down at me with a conflicted expression.

“I have to attend to the queen,” Kano tells me, his voice tight. I can see that he wants to say something else, his brow furrowed in concentration. I’m about to ask him if he’s okay when he begins speaking again, his voice choked. “Whatever happens, stay calm. Try not to react.”

His statement only succeeds in raising my stress levels, causing me to be anything but calm. He shares another of those silent looks with Atlas that means they are somehow communicating before striding to the back of the room, his steps clipped.

“Being as close to the queen as he is, Kano often sees things that he’s not allowed to divulge to others, no matter how much he might want to,” Luna explains quietly—not so much to stop others from overhearing us, although that’s part of it, but the slight quiver to her voice tells me it’s more about concealing her feelings. She might think that she’s fooled me, but I know full well she’s in love with my half-brother, and whenever he has to attend to the queen, it cuts her up.

“Luckily for the queen,” she continues, “she developed a new ability a few decades back and can now bind someone so they are unable to speak about whatever subject she has decided is off limits.” Despite what she’s saying, her tone makes it sound like it’s anything but lucky that the queen magically discovered this new ability.

Honestly, it feels like too much of a coincidence, but I’m so new to magic that I have no idea what’s normal. Glancing over, I take in her expression and tilt my head to one side at what I see. “Is it usual for people to discover new gifts?”

“Usually only in the first few years of someone’s power appearing, not this late in life.” Her tone is even and doesn’t hold a hint of accusation, but I can read the truth in her eyes. She thinks this newfound gift is suspicious. Being surrounded by the queen’s subjects, she doesn’t dare make any accusations and risk being called a traitor. The queen already seems to have a vendetta against Luna, and I’m sure she would use any excuse to punish her.

Atlas clears his throat, grabbing our attention. “The queen is here.” Atlas needn’t have told us, as It’s fairly obvious that the queen is arriving thanks to a hush that falls over the room. However, I can tell that he’s using the opportunity to warn us to keep quiet without attracting unwanted attention from those around us.

It would be impossible to miss her arrival because she’s led in by six armed guards from a side entrance I’ve not previously seen. Magic seems to pulse around the room as if reacting to her presence, and her skin seems to glow with power. This isn’t what makes her so eye-catching though. She’s wearing a spotless, form-fitting white gown that hugs her figure, the skirt ending in a train that glimmers behind her as she walks, each step measured and sure.

Luna snorts quietly beside me, confirming that I’m not the only one who finds the outfit a little over the top. It looks as though she’s going to a human wedding, and all she’s missing is a veil. Her expression is what tops it all off for me—a serene, angelic look to compel everyone to trust her. This is supposed to be an emergency, last-minute meeting, and that’s what she chose to wear? However, as I look around, I notice the enraptured expressions of several witches in the stands behind us. How does she have this hold on everyone?

All sound seems to disappear other than the soft steps the queen makes to the dais, which should be impossible in a room this large packed with people. I’m willing to bet that there’s some sort of magic involved, especially considering how strongly I can feel it radiating from her. Kano walks behind her, none of his earlier concerns showing on his handsome face. In fact, his eyes are locked on the queen, and the satisfied half-smile he wears makes him look like the dedicated lover everyone thinks he is.

Ivar appears from behind the throne and bows low, extending his hand to assist the queen up the step and settle into her chair. She smiles and pats his cheek, the two of them looking like Yin and Yang, with her all in white and Ivar carrying darkness around him like a cloak. People shift around me uneasily, not bothering to disguise their reaction to the unusual witch.

Once the queen is settled, Ivar takes a step back, retreating behind the throne on her left side. Kano takes up his position at her right side, his eyes scanning the room for threats as the guards take up strategic positions around the dais.

The queen watches all of this with a serene expression that I know is just a mask. Once she seems happy that all attention is on her, she smiles and gestures wide to encompass everyone in the room. “Welcome, thank you all for attending at such short notice,” she begins benevolently. “Many of you will have heard about what happened yesterday while I held court. A new prophecy was heard, and we all know the perils of what happens when we ignore a prophecy.”

There’s a low murmuring of agreement, and I see many nodding, their expressions ones of concern. The way she speaks of ignoring the prophecy is more than simply not having a favourable outcome like I might have expected. Considering how everyone is reacting to the prospect, it leads me to believe that there are greater consequences if a prophecy is ignored.

Taking a large, audible breath, she folds her hands in her lap as though what she’s about to say is difficult for her. “I had to consult with my advisors, but now we have a plan, and I knew I had to tell you all immediately. You deserve to know the truth.”

My snort of disbelief slips out, and I just about manage to disguise it as a cough, ducking my head and pressing my hand to my mouth. Atlas even rubs my back, adding to the illusion. Thinking I’ve gotten away with it, I look back up, only to see the queen looking straight at me. Nope. I might have fooled the others, but not her. She knows.

“War is coming,” the queen announces, her gaze still locked on me as she delivers this bombshell. Gasps and exclamations echo around the room. Finally breaking from her stare, she scans her people’s faces. “The battle between the werewolves and witches is finally coming to a head, and someone has been chosen to lead us.” Pausing for dramatic effect, she stands and clasps her hands in front of her. “The goddesses have decreed that the woman who will protect us and lead us to peace has to prove that she has the strength needed and the will to live up to this expectation by completing a set of challenges.”

Something about this comment twinges in the back of my mind. I don’t remember anything from the prophecy about anyone having to prove themselves, especially not in a set of challenges. Did the goddess communicate with them directly and tell her something we didn’t witness?

This time when a smile works its way across her lips, it holds a menace that chills me to my core, her eyes locking on me once more. Before she even begins to speak, a horrible feeling of dread works its way through me. The queen takes a deep breath and gestures towards me.

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