Page 41 of Midnight Conviction

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We both fall silent and watch each other closely as he continues to pace his cell. I feel the moment Joel and Atlas enter the hallway to the cells, my bond telling me they are getting closer, yet I don’t move from my spot. Syn needs to know that I’m here for him and not going anywhere.


Syn freezes at the sound of another male’s voice, his body stiffening and upper lip curling back as his protective instincts kick in. Joel senses this and slows his steps, attempting to look non-threatening as he steps up to my side. This is something that’s difficult for a male as large as Joel, but with his hands at his sides and an easy posture, he somehow manages to pull it off. Recognition flashes in Syn’s eyes, but it takes him a few moments before the snarl drops from his face. Only then does Scott come forward, and although Syn watches him with narrowed eyes, he doesn’t react as strongly as he did to Joel. It doesn’t take me long to work out why. Being a fellow alpha male, Joel is more of a threat to Syn.

Atlas hovers somewhere behind me, present and ready should I need him, but not wanting to antagonise the situation. He and Syn have met before, but right now, we need to focus on the other two males in the hall.

“Alpha Green,” Syn greets Joel, using his full title before turning his attention to Scott and simply nodding in greeting. His eyes narrow and flit to me. “How come I’m locked away and they are out there?” There’s a bite to his voice, but it has nothing to do with the madness and everything to do with Syn’s attitude.

“The mate sickness hasn’t affected me like it has you,” Joel explains calmly. He goes to place his hand on the small of my back but thinks better of it as he notices Syn watching his every move. I let my gratitude flow through our bond, thankful that he’s being sensitive and thinking of his actions. Seeing another male touching your mate when you’re unable to would be a kind of torture to Syn.

Realising his mistake, Joel clears his throat and continues his explanation. “And Scott isn’t mated to Laelia, so he doesn’t risk suffering from the sickness.”

“Then why is he here?”

For a moment, I swear my heart stops beating. I understand why Syn would ask it, and I won’t lie, it’s something I’ve wondered myself. Why did they choose to take him when we aren’t mates? However, the accusatory way Syn asks the question has Scott stiffening beside me.

“We’re connected, we just don’t know how or why,” Scott bites out, and when I glance at him, I see he’s attempting to hold his temper, but he comes across as offended. It’s almost like he’s defending himself and his presence here, and he soon loses his battle over his frustration. “Look, I didn’t ask to be here, I was taken. But now Iamhere, and I’m going to do my best to help Laelia.”

His words take my breath away, and my chest floods with warmth as I watch him, taking in his handsome profile. Feeling my gaze, he finally glances at me with trepidation. The emotion I see in his eyes is almost too much for me to take, and it’s clear that he’s struggling with the very same question Syn fired at him. He doesn’t know why he’s here either, and he’s finding it difficult while I’m surrounded by my mates, not knowing where he fits in. If the situation was different and Syn didn’t need me more in this moment, or we were alone, then I’d pull him into my arms and hold him tight, hoping to ease the uncertainty that shines back at me when I look at him.

“Nicolai?” Syn asks, but the question isn’t aimed at me.

Because of this, I keep my focus on Scott for a moment longer, giving him everything I can right now. I feel so split, knowing that Scott needs me, but at the same time, so do Nicolai and Syn. While I hate this, I have to prioritise, and right now, Syn has to be that priority.

“He’s sick and locked in his room,” Joel tells Syn, his voice a low reminder that we’re not finished here.

Regret and sadness cross my face, and I pray to the goddess that Scott is able to sense my emotions are genuine. He may not be my mate, but that doesn’t mean his feelings are less of a priority to me. I care for him in a way I don’t understand and crave his company. He deserves to be as happy and safe as my mates are. This whole situation is a mess, and I have no explanation for why any of it has turned out this way, but he means a lot to me, and our connection is undeniable.

A wave of emotion washes over me, and I have to take a small step back, my hands dropping to my sides as I squeeze my eyes shut to block everything out. I’m so overwhelmed, and if I don’t find a way to burn off some of this nervous energy, then I’m going to explode. The darkness within me seems to come to life then, and dirty and deprived images flicker into my mind. That’s certainly a way to burn off some energy, but with Scott and the others watching? A part of me is excited at the prospect of being watched, except now is not the time to test those boundaries.

I’m being watched. I can feel several sets of eyes on me, but it’s one set in particular that I need to address. Slowly releasing the breath I’d been holding, I open my eyes and glance at Atlas. Meeting his intense, unwavering stare, I let him feel my intent through our unfinished bond. “I’m going in,” I tell him, leaving no room for argument. I can feel how much Syn needs me, and no one is going to convince me otherwise.

Thankfully, no one tries to stop me, and with a deep breath, I focus on my intention and step into the cell. The magic tingles over my body and tugs at my skin, pulling me through to the other side. Now that I’m in, I can’t leave without someone releasing me, something that would worry me if I were sensible. I’m not sensible, though, and I’m being ruled by my emotions. Besides, I know Syn is in control of his wolf, and he won’t hurt me.

As soon as I’m free from the grip of magic, I’m surrounded by Syn, his darkness wrapping around me. It’s dimmed, probably by the spells over the cell, but it sends a thrill through me. I’m pulled against him so quickly that I’m left gasping, and I have to grip onto his shirt to steady myself. His arms soon wrap around me, and his embrace is tight, so I know I don’t need to worry about falling—he would never allow it.

“Mate,” he grumbles, pressing his nose against the top of my head and inhaling deeply. It’s a possessive display of the mate bond in full force as he scents me, and it sends a secret flare of excitement through me, bringing my werewolf instincts to the front. Inhaling his scent, I tighten my grip on his shirt, and the fabric strains almost to the point of tearing—not that Syn cares. If anything, his low groan of approval tells me he’s enjoying my little display.

I’m aware that the others are watching us, but the day has taken its toll on me and flipped a switch inside me. Syn has been suffering, and my presence eases that suffering. Not to mention that I need physical touch just as much as he does right now. Nicolai needs me too, but he is out of reach. I can’t help him, and that’s driving me crazy, but I can help Syn, and my bond is responding to that, driving my actions.

His arousal is evident by his hard cock pressing against my stomach, but he doesn’t push that desire onto me, still holding me tightly against him. He’ll be able to smell that I’m turned on. Even so, he’s controlling himself enough that he’s leaving the decision up to me. This is how I know he’s safe to be around. Some werewolves struggle to control themselves when they scent their partner’s desire, being completely overtaken by their wolf. If Syn can manage this while being on the edge of turning feral, then I completely trust him mind, body, and soul.

This doesn’t seem to be something that the others believe in though, as there’s a change in the magic around us, and before I know it, Joel is in the cell with us. With the three of us in here, it’s pretty crowded, and the heat from them is enough to make me pant. I feel like a bitch in heat, desperately needing them to fuck me, but they are too busy sizing off against each other. Joel is here to make sure I’m okay, protective as always. Only now that he’s on this side of the barrier, I can feel his bond, and it’s been so long since I’ve seen him that I’m not about to let him go.

Syn doesn’t appreciate the interruption, and his resulting growl rumbles through his chest and against my cheek. This only makes me press against him more, lust fluttering in my chest. His arms tighten around me, holding me even closer.

“I won’t hurt her.” The words are accusatory and hold a bite, his pride hurt that it might even be questioned.

Joel stands behind me, and I’ve still not lifted my head from Syn’s chest, but I can feel his gaze on me—a gaze that seems to get hotter with each second that passes. His own desire filters down through the bond, and I know he’s able to feel the change in me, and it’s calling to his mate instincts.

“I know,” he replies, his voice huskier than usual. “But I can sense how much she needs me. For both my own sanity and hers, I need to feel my mate, even if it’s while she fucks you.”

Something about those words pushes me even further, moisture gathering between my thighs as my arousal floods me. Biting down on my lip to hold my whimper of need, I press my legs together in a bid to ease the desperate ache between them. Apparently I’m not very good at concealing this, because I feel Joel move closer, almost as though we’re magnets and being pulled together.

There’s a noise of disgust outside the cell, and I’m pretty sure it’s Atlas, something that’s confirmed by the clipped sound of his shoes retreating. A small, logical part of my brain acknowledges this must be difficult for him to watch and that I should speak to him, but logical Laelia isn’t in charge right now. Aroused Laelia has the reins, and she’s not prepared to leave Syn and Joel until we’re all a panting, sweaty mess.

“I don’t share well,” Syn grumbles, pulling my full attention back to the males I’m trapped in this cell with. “But for her, I will do anything.” Easing his hold on me, he pulls back enough so he can reach for my chin, drawing it up until my eyes meet his. “This is what you want?”
