Page 11 of Midnight Ascension

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Snorting, I shake my head, done with pretending. “Because the two of you are blatantly in love with each other.”

Outrage flickers across her face, followed by confusion and reluctant acceptance. Frowning slightly, she huffs out a sigh. “No,” she mutters as though that tells me everything I need to know. “I’ve not seen him yet.” Turning, she steps up to the mirror and checks out her appearance, smoothing down the fabric and picking at an invisible piece of lint. “You think he’ll like it?”

The question is asked lightly, like she doesn’t care about the answer, but she watches me in the mirror with anxious intensity. I want to reassure her and tell her to stop dancing around the issue and just tell Kano how she feels. She doesn’t need to dress up to impress him. However, as I go to do just that, I see the vulnerability in her eyes. She puts on a bold, brave face, but really, she’s just as anxious as the rest of us.

Knowing now isn’t the time for that pep talk, I purse my lips and say the only thing I can think of. “He’s my brother, Luna. I’m not having this conversation.”

She laughs and spins around, slinging an arm over my shoulders, all traces of vulnerability evaporated like morning mist in the sunshine. I smile back at her, my heart warming. I’ve never had many close friends who were girls, not through any choosing on my part. I’ve always just felt closer to the guys in my pack. Meeting Luna has been one of the huge, unexpected bonuses of being here. She feels like family, and I truly hope we can find a way to keep that bond when all of this is over.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I come to an abrupt stop when I see the five males in my room. I thought it wasn’t possible for them to be any more gorgeous, but it turns out I was wrong. Nicolai and Scott look mouth-wateringly handsome in dark trousers, white shirts, and unbuttoned black suit jackets. Joel is wearing navy blue suit trousers and a white shirt that pulls tight across his chest, showing off his muscular body, his suit jacket folded over his arm. Syn is also only wearing his shirt and trousers, his black suit jacket thrown over his shoulder. The top three buttons of the shirt have been left undone, giving me a tantalising view of his chest.

I look over at my newest mate, who’s leaning against the wall. He wears black denim jeans, a tight white T-shirt, and a leather motorbike jacket. I’m not surprised that he chose to dress differently than the others, since he’s able to get away with much more than the rest of us.

Where all of these clothes came from, I have no idea, but honestly, I don’t really care right now.

All five of them turned to look at me as I exited the bathroom, freezing when they see what I’m wearing.

The dress is a shimmering silver that gleams in the light, a small tribute to my newest mate and his silver eyes. The bodice is tight and fitted, but the skirt flares out once it reaches my hips. Additional layers of light, glittering fabric lie over the top to give the appearance of stars. The skirt ends at my knees but tapers, making it longer at the back than the front.

As I was getting ready, I found the dress in my wardrobe with a note attached. It only had a symbol of a moon, which I interpreted as being a gift from Luna. As I was putting it on, I felt stronger, like I was putting on my armour. The tight but breathable bodice is like a bandage, keeping my broken bits together and making me look formidable in the process.

They stare at me as I stare at them, the room suddenly feeling hot as the atmosphere becomes tense. This is a different type of tense from before when we were talking about the challenge and the vision. Worry and concern have temporarily vanished, replaced by a sexual tension that makes my skin heat.

“Mate…” Joel starts, lost for words as his heated gaze runs over my body. I can almost feel the touch of his gaze, my skin tingling as the scent of his desire reaches me. It’s not just him I scent, though, but the desire of all five males in the room. It makes me feel beautiful, desired, and powerful.

“Fuck,” Syn mutters from the other side of the room, and I turn my head to look at him, finding his hands balled into fists. Our eyes meet, and he curses again. “I’m going to end up killing someone tonight with you looking like that,” he bites out.

Is he losing control of the madness? When I touch his bond, he seems as stable as he usually does, so I’m not sure what triggered this comment. “What do you mean?”

Scott snorts, his appreciative gaze never leaving my body. “He means that everyone is going to be looking at you, admiring you, andwantingyou.” The emphasis at the end of his comment does something to me, building warmth low in my stomach. My emotions are all over the place, heightened from my experience in the archway, and it’s making me feel like a yo-yo.

Joel makes a gruff noise of agreement. “We’re going to have to be on our best behaviour.”

The darkness within me finally stirs at the thought of the bloodshed they could cause. I should be worried, horrified even that their possessive natures could cause so much damage. However, the idea of my mates fighting for my honour is a huge turn-on to the dark presence residing inside me. It’s been unusually quiet, and even now it feels sluggish as she rises to the surface.Don’t blame the darkness, my mind whispers.Admit it.You’re turned on by the thought of them fighting for you.

Is that what I’ve been doing? Using the darkness as an excuse for my more violent, territorial feelings? Sure, she has always been the one to instigate it in the past, and she helps me manage my power when I’m in danger. Lately, she’s been so quiet, though, that I wonder if these thoughts are really just an extension of my own and feelings that I haven’t been able to express myself.

I’m so lost in my own thoughts and staring at my mates that I jump as Luna steps up to my side.

“Geez, males are so territorial,” Luna comments with a roll of her eyes. “Come on, let’s go before they try to barricade the door to stop you from leaving.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Syn murmurs darkly, a couple of the others grunting in agreement.

Luna links her arm with mine and practically drags me from the room, my males hurrying to join us.

* * *

Jazz music greets us when we enter the ballroom. The space is lit with pink and blue lights, giving the large room an otherworldly feeling. The differences are small, yet it feels like I’m in a completely different place. It’s almost enough to make me forget where we are. The atmosphere of the room is electric, as are the wide smiles of those attending.

I needn’t have worried about our clothing and if we’d stand out or not, as everyone seems to be wearing similar, less formal dress than usual. Even the queen is dressed down. Perched on her throne, she wears a long, form-fitting black dress, the rich fabric draped artistically across her shoulders and chest. Her hair looks golden in this light and is intricately braided, her crown sitting gracefully on top.

She greeted me with a nod of her head, her eyes narrowing on my dress. It doesn’t escape me that we’re mirror opposites of each other, with me as bright as starlight, and her swathed in darkness. It seems fitting somehow.

Surrounded by my mates, Luna and I walk through the ballroom and past the various groups of witches, greeting some with smiles and a nod. Some look like they want to step forward and speak to us, but with one look at my mates, they back off.

Atlas is practically glued to my side the entire time, glaring at anyone who dares to get too close. His change in behaviour is obvious, and we’re given several pointed looks, yet he doesn’t let go of me for a moment. My bonds are vibrating in my chest, my mates alert and ready to pounce into action if necessary. They don’t trust the witches, and here they are, right in the heart of the den of vipers.

We’ve almost completed our circuit of the room when I feel Luna stiffen, her breath catching in her throat. Glancing over at her with concern, I see her wide eyes are locked straight ahead. I start to follow her gaze when she takes a stumbling step, missing her footing. She straightens immediately like it never happened, but I notice the blush that colours her cheeks. Before I can ask if she’s okay, she instantly returns to staring at whatever caught her attention in the first place.
