Page 15 of Midnight Ascension

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“I don’t have magic. I’m a werewolf through and through.”

Ivar’s eyes shift, and his gaze grows distant. “You’re not ready to admit that yet. I won’t push you, but know I am here if you need to discuss the shadows.” Returning his attention to me, he dips his head and smiles once more. “Laelia, congratulations on the challenge. I will see you soon, I am sure.”

I look at Syn to see his reaction to the other male’s comments, but when I turn back, Ivar is gone. Confused, I glance around, looking for the witch to no avail. Syn is looks as stunned and confused as I am, but he says nothing as the others join us. They glance between us and realise that something must have just happened.

“What was that all about?” Nicolai asks with a raised brow.

I have no idea how to answer that question, especially not without explaining what happened with the group of witches offering their support. Now is not the time or the place to be repeating what was said. Ivar proved that even when you think you’re safe, there is always someone listening.

“He just wanted to check in. I’ll fill you in later,” I say with a wave of my hand. Joel clearly doesn’t believe me, but he holds out a drink without a word. I take the offered drink and down it in three gulps. Alcohol burns my throat, and my eyes water as the heat of the liquid moves through my body. Should I be drinking when the queen is looking for any excuse to point a finger at me doing something wrong? Probably not, but I’m stressed, and I need this. My mates can tell. They are on alert as they glance around for any potential threats.

“Laelia, come dance with me.” Scott holds out his hand, and I take it gratefully. Everyone is watching us, and having the six of us looking like we’re expecting to be attacked at any moment is not going to gain us any allies.

We step out onto the dance floor, the music now switched from jazz to modern pop music, which is perfect for dancing. There are no musicians in the room, so it must be some ingenious type of magic that plays music, but I don’t really care. I want to let my hair down and forget for a bit. For just one night, I want to be the twenty-one-year-old that I am and not have to worry about prophecies, magic, challenges that can kill me, and enemies around every corner.

With the lights low and the music turned up high, the bass moves through me, and I remember how much I enjoy dancing. It’s only as my body twists and writhes with the music that I realise I’m still holding Scott’s hand. My cheeks heat, but as I look up to see his reaction, I find him watching me with a smile. Seeing that he doesn’t mind, I smile and pull him a little closer. I’m very aware that the others are watching, so I make sure that our bodies don’t touch other than our hands, but the pull towards him is stronger than ever.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

I can only hear him over the music thanks to my werewolf hearing, so I don’t think that anyone else should overhear us. Even so, I make sure to keep my voice low. “Thank you.” My cheeks are still flushed, and I don’t expect them to return to normal anytime soon now that he’s started complimenting me. Clearing my throat, I change the subject. “How are you coping with being here? I’m sorry I got you dragged into this.”

I’m not sure why I’m sabotaging this moment between us by bringing this up. Why did I feel the need to discuss something that I know is going to bring the mood down when I could have chosen anything else? Especially here, of all places. Guilt has been holding me in its vice-like grip, even though Scott and I have spoken about this before. He doesn’t blame me, and that should ease my guilt, yet I can’t seem to enjoy this short time without self-sabotaging.

Scott shakes his head before I’ve even finished speaking and squeezes my hand. “It’s not your fault I’m here, Laelia. You didn’t kidnap me.”

A surge of shame rushes through me, grabbing onto my vocal cords and strangling them with the sense of responsibility I feel. I might not have been the one to abduct him, but none of this would have happened if he had never met me.

“No, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be trapped here, unable to leave.” I stop dancing and stare at him. “Your whole life is on hold because of me. You’re at risk here.”

Huffing out a breath, Scott glances around, and I realise I must be calling attention to myself. Now that I’ve opened this box of shame I carry, I’m struggling to shut it again. Thankfully, he’s keeping his cool and pulls me closer with our joined hands. My body bumps against his, and a quiet gasp escapes me. His free hand lands on my hip, the touch momentarily making me forget about my guilt. He nudges me into movement, and we start to sway from side to side, giving the appearance that we’re still dancing.

The look he gives me takes my breath away. The raw acceptance, love, and passion that he’s showing is more real and honest than any words could ever be, but he clears his throat to speak.

“Laelia, I don’t know why I’m here either, but Iwantto be here. This way I can help you. I’m no use elsewhere.” His gaze is intense, and he looks into my eyes for signs that I understand what he’s saying. It suddenly seems really important to him. Huffing out a sigh, he looks up for a moment, and I get the impression he’s preparing himself for whatever comes next. When he looks at me again, his expression is set. He’s made up his mind. “My life has been on hold since that moment I gave up my fated mate. I think the goddess has brought me to you to give me a second chance. We may not be mates, but I could love you just as much as they do.”

My words are stuck in my throat, and this time it’s not because guilt has its hold on me. What did I ever do to deserve these amazing males? Scott is one of the most self-sacrificing people I’ve ever met, and it was pure chance that we met in the trials. A tingle goes through me, and I have to correct myself, realising that the goddess has a hand in bringing us together.

Scott is willing to give up everything to be with me. Star is practically baying in my chest, something she’s only ever done around my mates, so the fact that she’s doing it with Scott makes me believe that we might actually be able to make this work. This connection we share must be there for a reason.

I can’t find it in myself to be sad that he’s here, and I think that’s the root of my guilt. On a soul deep level, I’mgladhe’s here. He might not be my mate, but he’s part of our small, unlikely pack, and it wouldn’t be the same without him here. My biker werewolf.

Our eyes are locked together, sharing what my words can’t manage, and I feel my body start to heat at his touch. We’re so close together, our bodies swaying and brushing up against each other, it awakens my arousal. Suddenly, all other thoughts are gone, and I can only focus on one thing—him. I want to taste his lips. I want to surround myself in his scent and roll around in it like a bitch in heat. I want his hands on me, exploring my body with the hunger I feel for him. Of course this isn’t the best place for this little realisation, given the fact we’re being watched by everyone and I’ve not spoken to my mates about this, but adding Scott to my little harem feelsright.

“Scott—” I start to tell him, needing him to hear the words aloud, but a movement behind Scott suddenly catches my attention.

There are so many people in the room, moving about, that it seems strange that one in particular would catch my eye, but before I know it, I’m jerking my head to catch sight of a figure at the back of the room. Frowning, I look closer, but in the time that it took for me to blink, whoever I saw is now gone. Glancing around, I try to find that person. I don’t know why they caught my attention, nor why my heart is pounding in my chest.

Shaking my head at myself, I let out a tense breath. I must be imagining things, as I can’t see anything untoward. My watchful gaze scans the room while I continue to dance so as not to attract attention. The feeling that something is off just won’t go away, and it’s making me angsty.


Immediately feeling bad for leaving Scott hanging, I force myself to put the disappearing figure from my mind. When I look at him once more, I find him watching me with a raised brow. An apologetic smile graces my lips, and I try to come up with a response. He just poured his heart and soul out to me, and I said nothing. He needs to know that my silence wasn’t because of what he told me. It’s going to sound stupid once I tell him that I thought I saw a strange figure at the back of the room, but he deserves the explanation.

That’s when it hits me, a smell I would recognise anywhere—werewolf.

Glancing around frantically, I look for the source. It’s not anyone I recognise, but it’s definitely from a werewolf. They smell unique and unmistakable, like nature, moonlight, and something that reminds me of home. That’s exactly what I’m scenting now, only it’s mixed with a bitter undertone that makes my nose wrinkle.

“Can you smell that?” I ask, practically snapping at him as I take a step back and turn on the spot. I’m on high alert, my body vibrating with the need to act, to dosomething.
