Page 37 of Midnight Ascension

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“I don’t see the problem there,” I reply with a smirk.

Laughing, he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. “When I come, I want to be inside you.”

My core clenches at the dirty words, and just the thought of him deep inside me causes a rush of need to gather between my legs. Biting down on my lower lip to hold back my groan, I stand up. He wants to fuck? I’m only too happy to oblige. I reach behind me and unhook my bra, dropping it to the floor with the rest of my clothes. Hooking my fingers in the top of my underwear, I slide them down and kick them to the side until I’m standing before him completely naked.

The wolf is back in his eyes, and he prowls towards me with the grace of a predator stalking its prey. A low, satisfied growl rumbles in his chest, making the hair on my arms stand on end. Placing one of his large hands on each of my hips, he pulls me close, our bodies pressed together as he drops his lips to my neck. I roll my head back to give him better access, my eyes falling shut as I enjoy the intimacy between us.

My whole world suddenly spins as his hands slide around to my ass, and he lifts me, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist. Gasping as his hot cock presses against my exposed core, I try to shift in his hold, desperate for him to be inside me. Before I know it, though, he’s laying me down on the large bed and crawling up my body. Holding himself above me, he smiles as though he’s looking at the most beautiful person on the planet.

“I don’t know what the future has planned for us, but I will love and protect you every day of my life.” He continues to hover over me. The only part of him he allows to touch me are his lips in a passionate kiss. “I can love you just as much as they can, if not more.Ichoose this, not some cosmic fate.”

Every single word rings with truth as he pours his feelings out to me, and I wonder how long he’s been waiting to say this. My heart bleeds for him that these worries have been plaguing him, and I regret that we’ve not been able to do this until now. We both know that we had to wait until the right time, and now that time has come, I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving that he belongs with me.

“It won’t always be easy, but we will make it work,” I promise, letting my love for him show in my eyes. “As long as we love and care for each other, we will survive this. I just can’t go another day, another hour, without you belonging to me.”

My declaration seems to break something that’s been holding him back, and with a noise of longing that sends a wave of arousal straight to my core, he kisses me deeply. Planting a knee on either side of me, he braces his hands on the bed above my shoulders. Not liking the gap between us, I wrap my legs around his waist and try to pull him down on top of me, needing to feel him against me once more. Chuckling into my kiss, he stays firm. I’m about to demand that he fuck me this instant, but his weight shifts slightly, and his fingers suddenly trail down my side. They are whisper soft as they brush over my ribs and circle my hip bone.

Our lips move together slowly now, passionately, disrupted only by my shallow gasps, my skin sensitive to his touch. When he finally dips his fingers between my legs, I want to praise the goddess, but I bite my tongue. Trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck, he grumbles appreciatively at the slick he finds as his fingers explore my pussy. He circles my clit with his thumb, and his deep chuckle rumbles through me as I squirm beneath his touch.

I feel like I’m about to combust, and the tie between us winds tighter, binding us together with each intimate moment. When his fingers finally slip inside my entrance, I’m so ready for him. He says something against my neck, more growl than words, and I’m so wound up in my growing pleasure that I don’t catch what he says, but somewhere, in the back of my brain, I register that it sounds approving.

“Fuck me,” I demand, writhing beneath him. “Please, fuck me.”

He chuckles, but I can hear the strain in it. Perhaps he’s suffering just as much as I am. A whine almost escapes me as he removes his fingers, my core aching to be filled, but I manage to hold it back by biting down on my lip.

The hot head of his cock presses against me, stretching my entrance teasingly. At this point, I am way beyond teasing.

“If you don’t fucking shove it in me, I’m going to impale myself on your dick,” I threaten. It’s hardly romantic poetry, but it gets my feelings across, and a thrill rushes through me as his eyes shift once more.

My eyes roll into the back of my head as he pushes his erection into my entrance, slowly but steadily, until he fills me completely. Moaning with pleasure, I rock my hips, impatient and desperate. This seems to push him over the edge, and he loses his grip on his control, pounding into me with fervour. I fucking love it. My hands grip his back, my nails digging into his skin as I urge him on.

We continue this way for some time, my release growing and building until I’m walking the tightrope of orgasm, and I’m already free falling off the other side. Once we find our release, nothing will ever be the same between us again, and I’m no longer worried about that. We can only get better and stronger from here.

“Mark me.” I mean it as an order, but the words come out breathy and desperate as I jerk my head to one side, giving him full access.

An animalistic noise comes from him as he lunges forward, following his werewolf instincts and clamping his teeth over the junction between my shoulder and neck. The sting of the bite is quickly taken away as his thrusts become slower but more powerful inside me, pleasure and pain mingling until I moan and writhe on his cock. It’s not long until my pleasure wins and pushes me into orgasm. It shifts through my entire body, and I feel our connection changing and getting tighter as if holding us together. My pleasure becomes so intense, it’s blinding.

It’s only as my pleasure fades that I feel the shift in the room. Out of breath, I open my eyes and find that I’m no longer in my room, and Scott certainly isn’t inside me.

I should be panicking, which would be a normal response, yet I only feel mild curiosity. I stand fully clothed in a clearing surrounded by trees, and the whole atmosphere around me is calm and peaceful. This isn’t the forest that surrounds Haven, and it’s not my home either, but wherever I am, I have the overwhelming sense that I’m not in any danger.

“Little one,” the goddess greets, her warm voice as familiar to me as my father’s.

Now that I focus, I realise that I can still feel my body back in Haven, so I know this is all happening in my mind. This is the loudest I’ve felt her since I’ve been at Haven. Something about Haven makes our connection fuzzy, so seeing her before me like this warms my heart.

“Goddess,” I reply with a smile before glancing around at the forest. “Where am I?”

“I pulled you into the dream world.” The look she gives me is secretive but apologetic. “I apologise for interrupting you. I couldn’t speak with you until you hit your peak. Your magic created a bridge for me.”

“What about Scott?” My cheeks flush with embarrassment that the goddess knows about my sex life, but I can’t help but wonder how Scott is handling all of this. Is he just staring at my unmoving body while I’m here? The thought makes me grimace. It’s going to freak him out some much.

The goddess chuckles as though she can see the direction of my thoughts and gestures towards a figure in the treeline. Scott stands there, fully dressed and looking very confused.

He appears to notice me at the same time I see him, his eyes lighting up. “Laelia!” he calls, running over to me with concern written on his face. Colliding with me, he wraps his arms around me tightly, his confusion evident. Before he can ask me any questions, he catches the goddess’s movement and realises we’re not alone.

Turning, he spots the goddess watching us with a warm expression. He immediately recognises her for what she is and drops to his knees, staring up at her with wide eyes. “Goddess.”

No, it’s more than just that, and I realise what I’m seeing. “You’ve met before.” It’s phrased as a statement, but my question is loud and clear.
