Page 42 of Forged in Chaos

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Exhaustion and self-loathing wormed into Renton’s bones. “I should speak with Elder Nithril. Explain what happened in the Boglands. He might be able to pull weight. Make sure we’re not condemned by Boedworth.”

“You and I both know speaking with Nithril won’t be enough,” Aeyis said. “Boedworth has avoided conviction for his sins thus far. In no way does this end in the system.”

Renton glanced over at his brother, worry prodding in his gut. “What are you suggesting?”

The silver rings around his irises gleamed. “We draw Boedworth out. Tenah would let us use her as bait. When I’m done with him, he won’t remember his own name, let alone ours.”

“Tread carefully, brother. The cost of tampering with the wrong mind—”

“Our mother was careless with her gift. I’m methodical with mine.”

“Yeah? Is that what you call being laid out on the streets because the mental chatter is too much?”

Aeyis didn’t so much as flinch. “I’ve changed.”

Face scrunching up in conjunction with the sadness creeping through his body, Renton couldn’t help his eyes flicking to his brother’s neck. Aeyis turned his head to the side and lifted up his hair, revealing a thin, white line behind his ear. The kind left behind from a magic-restricting implant.

“Mias tried to leash me,” Aeyis said in explanation.

Renton’s heart plummeted into his stomach. There was still so much controversy over the implant. He’d never agreed with the decree to make them mandatory. To force Ashens to undergo a knife because others feared them as a collective? That very law had driven Advanth to start the war at Roan’s Wake. But having witnessed the unraveling of his own mother’s mind, he understood some Ashen’s desire for them. A chance to hear their own thoughts for once and not a hundred others. Years ago, he’d thought to suggest it to Aeyis, but it had seemed so out of line.

Aeyis let his hair fall over the scar. “The implant failed.”


“I altered the minds of the institute employees. I’m documented as a successful recipient. I played docile for years. Honed my gift. Prepared myself for you to return so we could wipe out Mias and Boedworth together.”

“Boedworth won’t risk getting close to you after your demonstration in Mire. Using Tenah won’t be enough.”

More like, he didn’t want her involved.

Renton dug into the secrets he’d gathered on his employer. Crimes he’d tried to bring to light in court. “Topaz might do it. He’s recently become addicted to the Adran drug. Meets with dealers in the safehouses just outside of Cragnore. Word of product always arrives by coded letter.”

“There were dealers in the Abyss,” Aeyis noted, his magical dust twirling. “I can crack that code.”

Renton gave a low laugh and shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the image of Boedworth crawling on the ground. I’m surprised he didn’t shit himself when you took hold of his mind.”

Aeyis grinned. “All I needed was another few minutes with him. Mias ruined my fun.”

“Typical Mias.”

“Typical Mias,” Aeyis agreed.

They fell into silence for a beat, enjoying the warm evening breeze and the light banter of street folk.

“How often?” Aeyis asked quietly.

Renton focused on grinding the heel of his boot on the tiled floor. “How often did he order our so-called brethren to harm me? I lost track over the years.”

Shattered fingers and toes to start. Broken ribs and collarbones. Then cuts and punctures in areas mostly covered by his armor. No one ever questioned the injuries. In his line of work, who wasn’t damaged in some form?

And Renton had believed he’d deserved them all for letting their family fall apart.

“What you deserve is to find happiness,” Aeyis said. “Look inward, brother, and seek your truth. If the shard could be removed—”

“Drop it,” Renton said, iron coating his words.

Surely Aeyis had ruminated on the memory of their father’s death countless times since their reunion. Speaking about it would only give life to it once more.
