Page 90 of Forged in Chaos

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Tenah’s head kicked back against the door. “Fuck,” she gasped.

One hand slid down her ass, a dangerously coy finger playing at the edge of her underwear. Squirming, her hands clutched his shirt in effort to heave him back up. “This isn’t fair. You need less clothing.”

More of that seductive laughter echoed deep in his chest. He stood, guiding her hands to the hem of his shirt. “Strip me.”

Her entire face heated as she peeled the shirt off his defined body. “I’m out of my element here.”

“You’ll survive.” He stroked a thumb across her flushed cheekbone. “That drives me insane, by the way. Might have had me on my knees night one.”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, which was apparently the wrong thing to do. Renton’s muscles coiled like he was out for blood. He had her up in his arms in an instant, his mouth crushed to hers.

His tongue explored in slow, tortuous strokes as he walked them over to his bed.

Anticipation fluttered in her stomach when her back hit the soft sheets. He crawled his massive body over her, a predator on the hunt, grinning down at the prize he was about to devour.

He took her wrist in one hand and aimed it at the fireplace. “Give us more light. I need to see you when I send you over the edge.”

Heart slamming against her ribcage, Tenah unleashed a tiny jet of flame. Curious little tree lights floated out of their glass homes to dance in the crackling firelight she created.

Renton cuffed her other wrist in his large hand, pinning both of them above her head. Her eyes shot wide in surprise at his forcefulness, but then he placed such delicate kisses along her neck she almost forgot how to breathe.

His free hand wandered, summoning goosebumps on her bare skin. She squeezed her eyes shut, torn between feeling too exposed and wanting to tear the rest of their clothes off.

Tenah wriggled in his grip, entirely at his mercy. “Let me touch you.”

His thumb circled a peaked nipple. He bit the other one through the silk of her shirt. A hiss escaped clenched teeth as she struggled to hold still.

“You”—he nipped the soft flesh beneath her ribs—“would rush this.”

She would have growled at him if not for his hand pushing up her top. The warm breeze teased her naked flesh before he took her in his hand, applying pressure to her pearly bud hard enough to arch her off the bed with a jolt of pleasure. She cried out.

He rumbled with a low laugh. When his hot mouth replaced his fingers, she lost all reason for fighting this molten connection between them. Every nerve in her body was alive, vibrating with need. His tongue swirled over her, building a fervid ache between her legs.

“Please,” she whispered, nearly panting. “I want you.”

“Already begging?” he teased but released her wrists. Dragging his skilled tongue and teeth down her body, he paused to leave a kiss against her sensitive inner thigh.

She trembled, hands tangling in the sheets.

Renton sat up. He tucked his knee near her throbbing core. Flustered, she raised her head to look at him. Another wave of heated blood rushed through her at the way he was leisurely drinking her in, etching her into his very soul.

“You look downright sinful all exposed for me, angel,” he murmured. “One night won’t be enough. We both already know that.”

Tenah swallowed. What he wanted was impossible. She couldn’t give him more than tonight. But she could revel in it while it lasted, her eyes sliding down the lethal planes of his chest. Over the brutal scar above his heart and the dozens of other tiny scars peppered around it. Down the unholy, raw strength of his stomach.

Her gaze snagged on his erection. She watched as he palmed it through his pants, her mouth watering. Elementals drain her of all magic, she couldn’t lose it before he even pushed that mammoth thing inside of her.

“Take it out,” he ordered.

She moved a hand up his solid thigh, unable to hide her shaking as she struggled with the laces of his breeches. She dipped a finger along the waistband, heart skipping as she stroked the head of his cock.

Tenah gritted her teeth. It wasn’t fair. How he still managed to cling to control was a damn mystery. She was ready to combust.

Deviously, she pulled him free and wrapped a hand around his length, allowing a bit of heat from her roiling magic to seep into his skin.

He grunted, his body bowing over her slightly before he regained composure.

Victory. She flashed a wicked grin.
