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A slight smile tugged at his lips, revealing dimples. As if he couldn’t be any more handsome. Her mind whirled and she wondered if he ever visited the dungeon. She couldn’t help but speculate as he helped her stand, his touch sending waves of pulsing heat straight to her core. He grasped her left hand, careful of the red marks, and began leading her out of the lobby.

Kaylee glanced over her shoulder at the mess near the doors. “Um, maybe I should clean that up first. So nobody slips.”

“I’m on it!” Sadie, clearly having witnessed the entire exchange, bustled out from behind the front counter and placed a bright yellow caution sign near the double doors. “I already called housekeeping and they’ll be here in a jiffy. You two should go get cleaned up and maybe talk and stare into one another’s eyes for a while.” She grinned and scurried back behind the counter.

The man, whose name Kaylee realized she still didn’t know, snorted and gave a derisive shake of his head. “That young lady has been trying to play matchmaker for me ever since I moved here.” His eyes gleamed with warmth as he looked at Kaylee, and his hand tightened around hers. “I’m Stephen, by the way.”

“Hi, Stephen.” Her mouth went dry, and she inhaled a shaky breath as she tried—and failed miserably—to calm her nerves. “I’m Kaylee.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kaylee.” His eyes filled with more warmth, if that were possible.

She was too stunned to speak. In all her days, she’d never experienced such an instant attraction to anyone.

They neared the end of a hallway in a section of the main lodge she’d never explored before, and he withdrew a keycard and opened an unmarked door. As he ushered her inside, the room illuminated. An employee bathroom, she realized. A quick glance around proved they were alone, and flutters of excitement stirred within her.

He guided her to a sink and turned the water on its coldest setting. “Let’s get you taken care of, sweetheart.”

Chapter 4

To say Stephen was smitten with the adorable blonde would be an understatement. His blood hummed with desire and purpose as he held her hands under a cool stream of water. He was sorry she’d gotten hurt, but he liked taking care of her. He imagined taking care of her in other ways and his heart filled with warmth.

He'd love to brush and braid her long golden hair, help her get dressed, feed her, bathe her, and a number of other intimate activities. He imagined her curled up on his lap in front of a cozy fire while he read her a bedtime story. Was she a Little? God, he hoped so.

“Does this feel better?” Still holding her hands underneath the flow of water, he reached for her hair and tucked an errant strand behind her ear, which was partially covered by her hat, unable to help himself. Her eyes dilated and a brief shiver affected her body.

“Yes, thank you, it feels much better.” A pretty blush stained her cheeks, and she peered down quickly as though unable to hold his gaze. It was a sweet, shy gesture that made him want to wrap her in his arms and cuddle her for hours on end.

“I’m glad.” He finally turned the water off and reached for a towel. She made to grab it from him, but he shook his head and waited for her to hold her hands out. Her breath hitched and she stared at him for a moment, her gorgeous dark eyes lit with uncertainty, before she complied with his unspoken wishes and allowed him to dry her hands.

“You’re a Daddy, aren’t you?” Kaylee met his gaze and flushed.

“I am.” He continued patting her hands dry with gentle caresses of the towel.

“Well, why would Sadie try to play matchmaker with us? I-I’m not a Little.” She uttered the last few words in a hesitant whisper, as though she weren’t entirely sure. Or perhaps she was curious.

Stephen strove to keep his expression neutral as he held her stare, not wanting her to think he was disappointed she wasn’t a Little. “You aren’t the first non-Little she’s tried to set me up with. I’m not so sure she knows I’m a Daddy, but she’s aware that I moved to the Ranch so I might eventually find a special someone to share my life with. Pretty sure she caught the end of a conversation I was having with Derek one day.” He tossed the towel in the basket and admired the way the overhead lights bathed Kaylee in gold. He longed to remove the hat she was wearing and comb his fingers through her hair, but he supposed such an action might be too bold. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away. He wanted to earn her trust.

“Where did you move from?” Kaylee asked in a breathless rush.

Hope brimmed in his chest because she was clearly attracted to him. Perhaps she would agree to spend more time with him even though she claimed not to be a Little.

“Chicago. Ever visited?”

She nodded. “Many times. I work in public relations and I have quite a few clients from the Chicago area.”

“Where do you live?”

“Richmond. Ever visited?”

“Yes, but it was over twenty years ago. Took a road trip from Chicago to Miami and passed through on the way.” Memories washed over him. He’d been with Heather at the time, newly engaged, and she’d wished to stop at an art gallery in Richmond. He gave himself a mental shake as he tried to refocus his attention on Kaylee. He glanced around the bathroom and shook his head. “Chatting you up in the bathroom probably isn’t very romantic. Forgive me for my manners, but I’ve been out of the game for a while. How about we head to the cafeteria, and I buy you another hot chocolate?”

Her eyes filled with alarm as she peered down at her stained sweater, and Stephen’s spirits sank when he feared she was about to decline his invitation. “That sounds very nice, actually, thank you. But would you mind if I went back to my room and changed first?”

And just like that, his spirits brightened. He was sure he smiled like a fool. “How about we meet in the cafeteria in fifteen minutes?”

“Okay.” She gifted him with another one of her shy blushes, and his cock hardened in his pants. “Oh! Wait! I’m not keeping you from work, am I?”

“My shift just ended. I don’t usually work nights, but I filled in for Rhodes who’s sick.” He tried to ignore the fatigue that tugged at him. He wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to spend more time with Kaylee. Besides, he had the rest of the day off, and tomorrow as well, so he could catch up on sleep later.
