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“I’m not really mad.” She took a deep breath and pressed her lips together, but her eyes sparkled and she appeared to be holding back more laughter. “Look, if the roles were reversed, I would’ve totally listened in on your conversation if I happened to walk by and heard you talking about your ex.” She giggled again and pointed at him. “Oh man, you should’ve seen your face.”

God, she was breathtaking, and as he watched her attempt to stifle her laughter, his desire for her heightened. She had a mischievous side. If he were her Daddy, he might swat her butt a few times in retaliation for the little prank.

Deciding to play along, he crossed his arms over his chest and gave her the sternest glare he could muster. But a few seconds later, his visage cracked, and he joined her in laughter.

Once the moment passed, he encroached on her space and placed his lips at her ear. “Try to behave yourself in the cafeteria. When you’re out in public with Daddy, he expects you to be on your best behavior.”

Her breath caught and her eyes widened. A deep flush overtook her features. He straightened and winked at her, trying to assume the role of a playful, confident Daddy, but inside he was a tad nervous. It had been ages since he’d flirted with anyone.

What if he wasn’t doing it right? What if she rejected him?

She claimed not to be a Little, but he wondered if he might tempt her into playing with him. How he would relish the opportunity to not only coax her Little side out, but to nurture it as well. If she gave him a chance, he would do everything in his power to ensure the experience was an enjoyable one for her.

To his utter shock, she lifted her chin, stepped closer, and whispered, “What if I’m naughty in public, Daddy? What will you do to me?” Her voice came out sultry, but her eyes glimmered with more mischief.

He growled, and his cock thickened with the urgency to be buried deep inside her. “If you’re naughty in public, little girl, I’ll take you over my knee and give you a spanking on the spot. I bet that would make you very embarrassed if Daddy had to punish you while others were watching.”

A whimper left her throat, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. With the way she kept fidgeting and pressing her legs together, she must be getting achy between her thighs. She opened her mouth a few times, but no words escaped, and her blush deepened.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get that hot chocolate.” He turned her toward the cafeteria, keeping his hand at the small of her back, needing to feel her close. If he sensed her growing uncomfortable with his nearness, he would give her space immediately, but he noticed she sidled up close to him as they walked. “Have you had breakfast yet?”

“No, I’m not really a breakfast person. I’m not really a hot chocolate person either, to be honest, but Sadie thought I looked sad, so she offered me the extra cup she had in hopes of cheering me up. Obviously, I couldn’t refuse.”

“Well, what would you like? Coffee? Tea?” He grabbed a tray as they got in line, and he noticed her staring at the huge icing-covered raspberry danishes.

“Coffee sounds great.”

“Cream and sugar?” He let his voice drop an octave and reveled in the effect it had on her. She stammered for a moment and her cheeks pinkened as she played with a strand of her hair.

“No-nope, just bl-black, please,” she finally answered.

He nodded at a secluded booth in a corner. “Why don’t you grab us a seat over there and I’ll get the drinks and food.”

“Okay. See you in a minute.” When she turned and headed for the booth with a spring in her step, his gaze snagged on her bottom and he looked his fill. She was wearing tight exercise pants, and the new sweater she’d put on didn’t go below her hips, giving him a perfect view of her shapely bottom.

The person behind him cleared their throat, and Stephen realized he was holding up the line. He hurried to grab their coffees and two raspberry danishes.

Chapter 5

When Kaylee turned to head to the booth, she felt Stephen’s eyes on her butt, and a glance into a decorative mirror that hung on the wall confirmed her suspicions. Smirking, she put some sway into her hips as she approached the table. She took her seat, her heart racing with excitement as she watched Stephen approach with a tray.

Maybe he was just what she needed—a quick holiday fling before she returned to her brand-new apartment in Richmond. The chemistry between them crackled as he scooted into the seat across from her. It seemed whenever their gazes collided, her breath caught in her chest, her mouth went dry, and heated pulses affected her core. She resisted the urge to squirm in her seat to assuage the growing achiness. What would it be like if he touched her?

He slid the tray to the back of the table, then passed her a cup of black coffee. He also set one of the scrumptious-looking raspberry danishes she’d been ogling right in front of her, and she noticed he’d gotten one for himself too. She gave him a grateful smile, touched that he’d been paying such close attention to her. Usually, she skipped breakfast, but her stomach gave a loud rumble as she glanced at the pastry.

“Thought you might be hungry, sweetheart.”

Sweetheart. She loved when he called her that. And he said it in such a natural way that it didn’t sound patronizing or as though he were coming on too strong. He said it in a way that made her feel special.

“Thank you, Stephen. I have to admit, it looks delicious.”

“Trust me, they’re good. I had one last week.”

She took a sip of her coffee and nearly groaned with pleasure. Dark roast. Her favorite. She watched with amusement as he poured cream and five packs of sugar into his own coffee and stirred. It would seem the handsome older man had a sweet tooth. He appeared exceedingly fit for his age, however. The sleeves of his flannel shirt hugged his muscles and she quickly found herself undressing him with her eyes, wondering how sculpted his chest was and whether he had a lot of chest hair. She had a thing for mature men with a nice smattering of chest hair.


Oh shit. He’d said something she completely missed, she was so lost in her daydreams about his muscles and possible chest hair. She felt her face grow hot. “Sorry, what did you say?”
