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“Oh, love, far from it,” I assure her, stepping forward to grasp her hands. “If that’s what ye think, yer not payin’ attention to the facts. I’m crazy about ye, Mia. And a child would never get in the way of that. The way I see it, there was no point in settlin’ down with a woman if we didn’t have a deeper connection. But ye and I do. I’ve seen the way ye’ve watched me over the years. Because I’ve been watchin’ ye too. I never said anythin’ befar because I never wanted te put ye in a bad spot—seein’ as I’m friends with yer father. But things are different now. I can’t go back to keepin’ me distance. Not whenthisis how I feel about ye. And I know ye feel it too.”

Silence hangs heavily in the air as Mia sniffles, her smile brimming with joy.

“We could be a real couple,” I insist, throwing Luke and Zach a challenging glare. “And if yer bein’ honest with yerself, ye know the other two would be safety nets. So let me make ye happy, Mia. Let me raise this child with ye. Ye’d make me the happiest man in the warld.”

Gently cupping the back of her neck, I pull Mia forward in a daring kiss, claiming her lips right in front of the two other men.

And for a moment, time stands still as fireworks explode from our connection.



Heat blasts through my body, setting my skin on fire as my attraction for Cilian climbs through the roof. I never dreamed he could give such a romantic speech. And though I know that Luke and Zach are more than just safety nets to me, when Cilian kisses me, it’s hard to argue about our chemistry.

I can’t stop myself.

I have to kiss him back.

Because his kisses consume me completely, his soft, ardent lips taking me to another world. Spellbound, I sink into the moment, melting against Cilian’s chest, and his arms wrap around my waist as he holds me close.

I sense more than hear the other two boys moving beside us, and a knot forms in my stomach as I worry that they’ll take this as a sign that Cilian’s right, that his speech has won me over and I don’t want them anymore.

But then, strong, callused fingers wrap around my wrist, gently removing my hand from Cilian’s chest. And a moment later, Luke’s soft lips find the tender flesh just below the heel of my palm.

I gasp against Cilian’s mouth as fresh excitement fills my core, leaving tingling relief in its wake. Soft hands come to rest on my hips, and the warmth of Zach’s lean chest comes up behind me. He brushes soft kisses along the line of my shoulder, melting my heart in an instant.

It seems Luke and Zach are disinclined to bow out of the race. Instead, they’ve come closer, as if attempting to distract me from Cilian’s advances.

But I’m not ready to choose.

Far from it.

In truth, this competition between them feels like it’s going to be the end of me. It will rip me apart because I can’t stand the thought of letting any of them go. I love them all. Desperately.

So, rather than letting the decision break me, I come to a new determination.

I can’t pick.

I’m not going to.

I want all three.

Breaking my kiss with Cilian, I try to communicate through my eyes alone just how much I want him. I lace my fingers through his, keeping him with me. Then I turn my head, tipping my chin back so Zach can kiss me.

His lips are firm and commanding, parting mine so he can stroke his tongue between my teeth. My stomach flutters at the entirely different sensation of kissing Zach, and it fills me with a fresh wave of arousal.

At the same time, Cilian leans in to kiss the exposed flesh of my chest, working his way up to my collarbone, then my neck.

A moment later, Luke’s strong hand pulls me toward him, breaking my kiss with Zach and turning me to face him. His blue eyes are deep, mesmerizing pools of emotion, a passionate, loving fire that promises he’s going to give me the world.

Cupping my face, he leans in and kisses me softly.

Thoughts of our picnic in the snow flash before my eyes, reminding me of the tenderness with which he made love to me not so long ago. Butterflies explode through my belly at the memory, stoking my excitement and making me almost giddy.

Behind me, Cilian steps close, his hands coming to rest on my hips before they slowly travel down the layers of my tulle skirt to find my bare knees.

“What d’ye say, boys? Shall we give our goddess the pleasure she deserves?”

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