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I did so, and she lifted the crown from its cushioned place, setting the box on the floor so she could use two hands to raise the headpiece high. “Please, call me Ren,” I whispered.

She paused to grin at me, silently acknowledging she’d heard my request.

“Kneel to show your willingness to humble yourself before your people, to serve them first.” I did as she bid, tugging at the train of my dress to sweep it out of the way. “Now repeat after me.”

I followed her lead, vowing to serve and protect Silverfrost: “I accept this crown and take my throne with a heart dedicated to serving my kingdom. May the land accept me and strengthen me, and through my strength, may my kingdom and my people grow in power and might too. I swear to protect the Silverfrost people above all else, and to seal the door to the underworld, as is my gods-given duty.”

As the crown settled on my head, I stood and turned to my people, who rose and erupted into applause and cheers.

“Greet your new ruler,” the hag announced over the tumult, “Queen Ren Silverfrost!”

I smiled softly, grateful she’d agreed to use my preferred nickname in this moment, when formalities fell away a little. Lifting my hands, I leaned into my power and my tie to the land. Snowflakes, fluffy and huge, fluttered from the rafters, and everyone paused to ooh and ahh. Then I banished them with a thought, making them melt away as I cupped my palms and let my light shine, bright and powerful and hopeful.

What I prayed would be a symbol of the days to come.


Underaeveld’spure light, the fresh snow gleamed like fallen stars, twinkling and enchanting. It crunched beneath my boots as I looped my arm through Charles’s and lifted the hem of my skirt. Glistening like frosted snow itself, it shimmered beneath my layers of fur. I felt like a proper winter queen, clothed in the element I wielded and shining as brightly as the power that burned in my veins.

“With all due respect, I hope your vows won’t take long,” Aspen said from where she was huddled on my shoulder. Despite being bundled in the fur I wore along with her own coat, she shivered.

“I promise.”

With a warm kiss to my cheek and wet eyes, Charles released me silently when we emerged at the top of the trail. Leading out from the castle grounds, it climbed to the mountain’s peak and offered a stunning view of Northelm and its lake, as lovely as a sheet of glass under the stars. Near the edge of the overlook, Garrick waited with a crooked grin.

Dressed in matches shades of white and silver, he was breathtaking. His eyes shone with love and warmth that made my heart pound against my ribcage as I strode forward. This was all I wanted. A lifetime with this man. Whatever challenges came with bearing the crown, whatever dangers arose from livingamong the fae, I could bear it all as long as I had Garrick at my side.

If I was his starlight, he was my sunshine.

“Ethereal,” he murmured as I drew near, and despite all we’d faced together, I couldn’t help the blush that flooded my cheeks.

Aspen made an exaggerated gagging sound on my shoulder. I shot her a look that pretended to be annoyed. “Don’t make me send you away,” I threatened.

“Then who will bear witness to your union?” she scoffed, hopping down from her perch and transforming into her larger size in midair. “Now, face one another and let’s make this official.”

As Garrick took my hand, his touch tender and his gaze even softer, I couldn’t hold back my words another moment. “Garrick Darkgrove,” I began, “I vow before the gods and our trusted witness to love you for all my days. I give you my heart, my soul, and my kingdom. I take you as my equal, my husband, and my best friend.” Tears burned my eyes. “You are the brightness to my days and the joy in my laughter. I love you and choose you, above all other souls on this earth, and I give myself to you alone. With our marriage, I unite our lives and I share with you a portion of my magic.” I drew an elegant hunting knife Garrick had gifted me—one with a hilt marked by a collection of stars and snowflakes—I sliced a shallow cut along my palm. Following the instructions Aspen gave, I drew the traditional runes on Garrick’s face.

When I’d finished, Garrick brushed a tear from my cheek. “Ren Silverfrost, I vow before the gods and our trusted witness to love you for all my days. I will serve you as my queen, my wife, and the deepest treasure of my heart until my last breath. You are my home, my purpose, and my strength. You are my light, the good I cling to in the darkness. I choose you alone and a life with you, forsaking my immortality.”

I froze, eyes widening. Aspen gasped aloud. But Garrick went on calmly, slipping his hand from mine and unsheathing one of the hunting knives strapped to his belt. This time, it was his turn to slice his palm. With aching tenderness, he brushed his own blood on my face, his thumb tracing unfamiliar patterns unlike the ones I’d marked on his forehead and cheeks. “I don’t want to live countless years without you, my Starlight. So, since the gods grant us fae the choice to give up our immortality and live out mortal years with a beloved human, I accept that gift.”

This time, more tears slipped free from my eyes and Garrick grinned as he wiped them away. “I give myself wholly to you, and no one will ever come between us again,” he whispered, leaning forward to press his lips to mine.

I flung my arms around his neck, pulling him against me.

“I...” Aspen giggled. “Let me say my part!” she groaned, but when Garrick and I ignored her, only deepening the kiss, she sighed. “As your witness, before the gods themselves, I recognize your marriage and the binding vows you have made today.”

Garrick smiled against my mouth, pulling back just enough to nibble at my bottom lip playfully.

“That’s enough! Let’s return to warmth,” Aspen proclaimed, hands on her hips.

Laughing, I offered my palm as the pixie returned to her true form, taking her place once more on my shoulder. Hand in hand, Garrick and I descended the path back toward the castle. Toward the future.

Toward home.

