Page 22 of Angels Above

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It was only a time of year. Nothing more.

He had staff that took care of getting his businesses ready for the holidays. He wasn’t stupid enough to ignore it and lose that money, but he wasn’t going to join in the celebration of it either.

The whole lunch changed after he’d made that comment. He tried to bring it back around as best as he could, but Mia sensed it and so did he.

They ended the lunch when she got a call that she had to take. He asked for the bill and paid, they walked to their cars together and got in without making another date.

He didn’t even get her number and hated that.

He could call her at the office and was going to tomorrow.

He’d apologize.

He liked her.

A lot.

She seemed to understand him when not many did.

He thought he had a good grasp of her too.

He’d be the first to admit he was wrong to judge her after listening to her childhood.

She worked hard just like him.

Though he never did get to find out why she went into her line of work out of college.

He’d lead with that when he reached out tomorrow.

With his list of things that he wanted to be done in the house, he left for his office.

“Hi, Steph. Busy day?”

“Always,” Steph said.

She’d worked for him for about six years. She was married with two kids that he often let her bring into the office if she had no daycare.

Cal liked his small office staff and everyone got along well.

“What’s going on?” he asked. “Anything I need to worry about or do you have it covered like I know you always do?”

He handed her the file from the closing. She’d take care of everything.

“Most of it I’ve got covered. The typical with the tenants in the house you just closed on. They’ve got worries and concerns, but I’ve calmed them down.”

“In that wonderful motherly way that you do,” he said. “I love it.”

She gave a mock bow with her hand. “That’s what you pay me for. But for the few things I can’t take care of I sent you an email.”

It was the look on her face that had him frowning. “What’s that?”

“One winery wants to give you a sales pitch.”

He waved his hand. “I’m used to that.”

“You are. And you deal with it.”

“What’s the other one?” he asked.
