Page 80 of Angels Above

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The next morning, Mia stopped at Morgan’s. Her sister wasn’t going in until later, as she wanted to see her parents off. Brian was off today too and there wasn’t much happening in the office. She’d said she’d be a little later too but hadn’t told Cal that.

“Cal seemed to be fine yesterday,” her mother said when she was in the kitchen with Morgan. Leah was napping in the playpen and her father and Cooper were watching the news.

“Better than I thought he’d be. I honestly expected him to say he wanted to be alone. I hadn’t realized I didn’t ask him to be with me.”

“You didn’t?” Morgan asked.

“No. I’d brought it up a few times on what my plans were and then he pointed out I never asked.”

“That’s wrong,” her mother said.

“It’s been hard to navigate around this,” she said. “I’m trying.”

“Seems as if it’s working,” Morgan said.

“I guess. He is the one who pointed out that I hadn’t asked and he seemed fine with it. We had a nice heart to heart a few days ago. I’ve been nervous about bringing the holiday up to him and realized that I can’t stop living my life or things I like just because maybe he doesn’t.”

“That’s right,” her mother said. “I understand it was traumatic for him, but the rest of the world isn’t stopping. He can’t avoid it. It’s not just one day, it’s months of seeing signs of Christmas. His businesses have to run specials and probably prepare and decorate for it too.”

“They do,” she said. “It doesn’t seem to faze him much. I told myself that I should look at it as if he didn’t celebrate because of religion more than PTSD. Or something like that. The rest of the world does and it’s his business.”

“That’s a good way to think of it,” Morgan said. “Did you tell him that?”

“No,” she said, laughing. “It’s just what I’ve got in my head and it’s working. But then yesterday morning he got up before me and had breakfast made. We opened gifts.”

“The scarf is lovely. The bracelet too,” her mother said.

“Both from Cal. He says I don’t have enough color in my work wardrobe.”

The scarf was emerald green and went with the emeralds in her bracelet. “That was sweet of him. I always said the same thing,” Morgan said.

“You’re one to talk. You wear scrubs.”

“Because fancy shirts and heels don’t go well with the dog and cat bodily fluids,” Morgan said.

“You make a good point. I always wore plain colors because it’s easier to have clothing to mix and match. Besides, I’ve never wanted to stand out with my clients before.”

“I can understand that,” her mother said. “I’m the same way. I deal with a lot of low income clients and you can’t reach them if they think you are trying to show them up or act as if you’re better.”

“Exactly,” she said.

“But that isn’t your career anymore,” Morgan pointed out. “What’s that old saying of dressing for success? Maybe Cal is gently telling you that.”

Mia started to laugh. “I doubt it. We are talking about a guy that wears jeans and boots or sneakers daily.”

“That doesn’t mean much,” her mother said. “He’s a guy. But maybe you should brighten your wardrobe up. Even just some colorful shirts.”

“Which is why you bought me some, right?” she asked her mother. “You too, Morgan?”

They both shrugged. “They were pretty. Admit it.”

“They were,” she said. “I’ll make sure to use the gift cards for some nicer things too.”

She never thought much of her work clothing before. She was professional, and that wasn’t an issue, but maybe if she dressed more for work like she did in her personal life she’d get some of that confidence back.
