Page 85 of Angels Above

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Her head fell to his shoulder, his hands rubbing up and down her back.

“Do you feel better now?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “But I was fine before.”

“Were you?” he asked.

Could he have known she was looking through his things?

Did he have cameras hidden in his house that she didn’t know of?


“Yes, why did you ask that?”

“You’ve been busy at work. Distracted even. Jumpy since you all but blew my eardrums out when you came out of my bathroom. Everything okay? You haven’t said anything.”

“Oh,” she said. “Yeah. Work is great. It’s busy and wonderfully fulfilling even when it’s frustrating.”

He laughed in her ear. “I’ll take that as it’s a good thing though it doesn’t sound it completely.”

“It is,” she said earnestly. “I’m feeling so good about everything now.”

“I’m glad,” he said. “I’m hoping that I’m part of that everything that you’re feeling good about?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “Why would you think otherwise?”

“Just checking,” he said quietly.

“What aren’t you tellingme?” she asked when she leaned back.

She looked at his face. There were tea lights on around them even though they were closed in during the day.

“Nothing,” he said.

“Cal, don’t lie to me. Or try to protect me.”

He sighed. “It isn’t anything. Things are going well with the brewery. Production is going to be speeding up and I’ve made a lot of contacts. Contracts will be signed soon.”

“I know,” she said. “I see those things. Remember, I’m your lawyer.”

He kissed her on the lips. “You are.”

Everything was moving forward with Harris too. She’d seen those documents.

“Does this have to do with Tyler?” she asked.

He’d made bail and had an appearance in court soon. She knew. She was keeping tabs on things though Brian was the one dealing with this.

She’d been frustrated but was told both by Brian and Cal that she was too emotionally involved and it was better.

She wanted to be annoyed over that, but Brian was her boss and it’s not like she had much choice.

“A little,” he said. “I’d like this to be over with, but I know things don’t always move that fast. They are trying to get a plea deal. Saying that he’ll go into rehab.”

“Do you believe it?” she asked.

“Not my choice to believe it. But he should pay for his crime.”
