Page 14 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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“Do you plan to introduce the eleven other human women at the same time?” she asked, placing plates in front of us.

“Yes, I think continuing to isolate them would only cause more division,” I responded.

Astrid nodded approvingly, “Yes, the tribe is most interested in the human women. The longer we keep them isolated the more of a point of contention it is going to be. Are they ready to meet the entire tribe?”

“I believe so. They seem to have adjusted to the fact that they cannot go home, thanks to Tora and Saela. I think they want to start the process of integrating into the tribe. But you should know, not all human women want to bear young.” I explained.

At this, Astrid looked puzzled, “Do you know why?”

“There are quite a few reasons. First, Earth isn’t doing so well at the moment. That’s putting it lightly. We are experiencing severe climate change which may lead to the downfall of our planet. Many of our governments have become so corrupt that they no longer see to the needs of their people. There are people on Earth who struggle with not having enough food or medical care regularly. The idea of bringing a new person onto a planet that isn’t thriving is off-putting for some women. And then, on the other end of the spectrum, some women just don’t want to be mothers. They want to pursue their dreams and don’t see children in their future. And, now having met them, I know we have at least a few women who have experienced abuse at the hands of their partners. Getting them to trust and produce offspring with anyone will be a challenge,” I explained.

Astrid looked taken aback by all of this.

“Would you say Earth is a failing planet?” she asked earnestly.

“I mean, I don’t know that I would say it is failing just yet, but it isn’t looking great,” I responded honestly, images of melting polar ice caps and starving polar bears in my mind.

“Are there any other reasons a human female would hesitate to bear young?” she asked.

“Well, I haven’t asked them yet, but I don’t know that all human women are interested in males. Some may want to pursue a romantic relationship with a female. Some might not want a romantic relationship at all,” I explained.

At this, Astrid looked thoughtful, strumming her fingers against her lips.

“We have orkin that choose same-sex partners, which is not an issue. I can’t think of any orkin in the recent past that hasn’t wantedanyromantic relationship, but that shouldn’t be a significant problem.”

“So, it is only me that must desire to produce young immediately?” I asked, trying to keep the accusation out of my voice.

“As the new jarlin–and a human jarlin at that–showing that a human-orkin child could survive and thrive here, in our tribe, would be important for many of our elders. While I understand that this puts an inordinate amount of pressure on you and Agnarr, it would solidify your leadership,” Astrid explained.

I nodded in understanding. I appreciated the frankness of Astrid’s explanation of the tribe’s dynamic. It didn’t seem she cared that much if I had children, but she knew that many of her tribewouldcare. I appreciated her alerting me to this expectation. I looked to Agnarr. I would love to spend a few years just being the two of us, but I knew I wanted children with him. If it needed to be sooner rather than later, I was willing to accept that challenge.

“Astrid, if the tribe is going to expect orklings from Agnarr and me immediately, I am going to need minor surgery. Is that something Emla is capable of?” I asked.

Astrid’s eyes went wide, “Why would you need surgery?”

“I have birth control inserted under my skin in my arm. It will need to be removed. If Emla can’t do it, I am sure Ruby would be able to. She was in her final year of nursing school,” I explained.

“Emla stitches up our warriors—and our wayward orklings—regularly. I am confident that she will be able to remove your birth control.” Astrid responded, looking thoughtful.

“Is there something else you are considering?” I asked.

“Well, I would love to give you more time to settle here before you produce young. I know our younger orkin will accept you as a leader, I am just considering what would appease the older generation who are used to our traditions and customs,” she explained.

“I would definitely appreciate some more time—especially considering that Agnarr and I have known each other for barely a week. Human couples usually wait a few years before having children,” I confessed, looking at Agnarr.

I was worried he would be hurt that I didn’t want children immediately; it seemed to be custom to breed as soon as Elska markings were accepted. But Agnarr simply dipped his chin in agreement.

“Piper, I want you to know that I am on your side in this. I understand that you don’t want to be bred just for appearances. What I think we can lean into is the fact that not only have your Elska markings appeared, but you have both accepted the bond. The Elska bond is revered in our culture. The elders should respect it,” Astrid explained.

At this, Agnarr nodded. Good, he wasn’t hurt that I wasn’t over the moon about trying for children immediately. I didn’t want him to think it had anything to do with how I felt about our budding relationship. And that is precisely what it was—a new relationship.

“So, maybe we could wait a little bit on the removal of my birth control?” I asked, hopefully.

“Let’s see how things play out tonight,” Astrid said. “I am not stepping down until we have all the tribe unified. Especially knowing that this may be a messy process. But yes, wait on the removal of your birth control for now.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Even though I was ready to become a mother for the sake of the other women, I was pleased Astrid didn’t expect me to start trying to get pregnant immediately.

Astrid shifted the subject, “Have you thought about where you two would like to live?” she asked, looking at Agnarr.
