Page 24 of Agnarr's Jarlin

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After a few moments of letting my breathing come down, I asked, “So what now? Are we going to sleep on these stairs? There’s no furniture in this cabin.”

Agnarr chuckled into my neck before kissing along my jaw, “I shall carry you back to our shared room, the floor is not fit for the new jarlin,” he whispered.

True to his word, he lifted me, covering me with my cloak, and carried me all the way across the village to our room. I used the washroom to relieve myself and clean up the copious amounts of cum I was still getting used to. I returned to the bedroom, to find Agnarr thoughtfully pulling down the bedding for me. He looked at the cloak I wore to travel from our new house to his room and said, “You won’t be needing that. I already told you I will have no clothes between me and my mate in bed.”

“I know, I know. You’ve said. And as long as you continue to keep me warm and be up for midnight romps, I have no complaints. I can’t help myself if I roll over in the middle of the night and find your semi pressing against me.”

“I feel like that’s a fair deal,” he grinned wickedly at me, before heading to the restroom to clean himself up.

I took the opportunity to climb into the large bed, luxuriating in the softness. I was no camper. The trip to the Snaerfírarr tribe was not my favorite. I wanted a bed and running water. I wanted a shower. I was glad to see that I wouldn’t have to go without these in my new home. After a moment, Agnarr came back and turned down the gas lamps, before joining me in bed. He snuggled into me, spooning me as I had taught him.

He reached up to stroke my hair.

“Tomorrow is going to be another busy day, isn’t it?” I asked.

“It is. We have over half the elders with us, but I would prefer if we were a united front. I will be meeting with them and Astrid again,” he explained.

“Is this something I should be present for?” I asked.

“No, Astrid and I are representing the needs of the human women well. I have no doubt in her support. What would you like to do tomorrow?” he murmured, kissing across my temple.

“I’d like to get our home ready. I would like to spend the day on my own meeting with merchants and carpenters, decorating our new home. Do you... have the money to spend on that?” I asked hesitantly, unsure of how finances worked on this new planet

“Well, the jarl and jarlin are paid a stipend which should cover the cost of everything you could possibly want. But if you need access to funds right now, I have been saving all of the wages I earned as a guard for when I finally met my mate. Tell any shopkeeper to put it on my tab and they will know I am good for the payment, regardless of the cost,” he said, still peppering me with kisses. “Is there anything specific you would like?”

“A four-poster bed, if it’s not too much trouble? I’ve always wanted one.”

“That doesn’t seem like much of an ask,” he said simply, “though I should let you know, Osif is the elder of the carpenters and he is on the fence about the human women. You may need to use some of your impressive charm on him.”

“Does he have anything against us?”

“No, but he is not of mating age and doesn’t want to see disruption to the tribe, I think he will be easy to win over.”

“Ahh,” I said knowingly, “I can handle that. And you’ll be meeting with the entire council again?”

Agnarr sighed, “Yes. As it stands, of the nine council members we have, five of them are willing to accept the human women with no expectations. We have two on the fence and two that are firmly against. We don’tneeda unanimous vote,but both Astrid and I would like one,” he explained.

“Who is against?” I asked, curiously.

“Magna, the elder of the smithy, and Alvis the elder that cares for the hestrs,” I said.

“Are there any specific reasons?” I asked.

“Magna has three sons of mating age. He doesn’t want his grandchildren to be ‘human,’” Agnarr said with distaste.

“Well, then his sons can be the few that get no fucking mates. Gross. We have prejudiced people like that back on Earth. I am used to it, but it doesn’t make it less repulsive. You met Steve! He looked almost fully orkin!” I said, outraged.

“I have a feeling Magna and his sons may leave, and to that I say, fine. We have other apprentice smiths that can step into his role. It’s his choice. He will have to step down if he is unwilling to accept the humans,” Agnarr explained simply.

“And what of Alvis?” I asked, “Can I cozy up to him?”

“He doesn’t have any stake in the situation, he never had young, too focused on rearing hestrs. He doesn’t want to get involved in anything that is going to cause turmoil. I think he would be easy to convince, but it should be me that approaches him,” Agnarr explained.

“Okay, so tomorrow I need to charm Osif while you meet with the the other elders?” I asked.

“I fully believe in your ability to charm him,” Agnarr responded, his voice growing sleepy.

I tucked myself further into his embrace, realizing we could continue our conversation in the morning. I let my eyes flutter closed and gave in to the exhaustion that my anxiety had been pressing into me all day. I was grounded by Agnarr’s steady breathing and it wasn’t long before sleep took me under.
