Page 27 of He Saved Me

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I ignore him and stare at the last text I sent to Shorty, a text that’s gone unanswered.

We just got done with practice. My head was all over the place and I played like shit. My team knows it. I know it. And the Coach knows it. Shorty has invaded my thoughts, and I can’t seem to get her out of my head. It’s fucking with my emotions.

“Du Pont!” The door slams against the wall as Coach’s voice echoes throughout the locker room.


“Get your ass in my office now, boy!”

“What the hell did you do?” Jag asks.

“Besides play like shit?” Nate, one of the team’s players, says.

“Nah, that’s not it,” Jackson chimes in. “Has that fine ass Latina rode your dick yet, Du Pont?” He laughs.

I grab him by the collar and throw him against the lockers.

“What the fuck, man!” he cries out.

“You’re a piece of shit, you know that, Jackson?” I yell in his face.

Ash and Wyatt pull me off him.

“Get a hold of yourself,” Ash hisses while holding me back.

“Fuck off, Jackson, or your legs won’t be the only thing I break.”

Jackson’s face pales; he knows I’ll go through with the threat.

“You good?” Ash asks.

I nod, and he releases me.

I finish dressing and check my phone. No messages. God damnit! I slam the locker shut and throw my bag over my shoulder.

“If he hasn’t had her yet, I’ll break her in,” Jackson says arrogantly.

I drop my bag and charge toward him, but Wyatt holds me back.

“Ignore him,” he grits through his teeth.

“You’re dead! You hear me, motherfucker! You’re dead!” I roar, pointing my finger in Jackson’s direction.

“You got a fucking death wish?” Ash punches him in the stomach. Jackson doubles over, trying to catch his breath.

Ash leans down to his level and says, “That’s nothing compared to what my brother will do to your face. Say shit like that again andI’llbe the one breaking your legs.”

“We got this. Go to see Coach.” Wyatt pats me on the chest and pushes me toward the door. I yank my bag off the floor and stalk through the doors and down the hall to Coach’s office.

When I walk in, he’s sitting at the desk with his back to me, looking through some files.

“You wanted to see me, Coach?” I ask.

He spins around and glares at me. “Sit your ass down.” He gestures for me to take a chair. I do as he says and wait for an ass kicking. I know he’s pissed about my performance lately.

“What the hell was that out there? You’ve been off your game lately.”

I open my mouth to speak, but he raises his hand to stop me. “Never mind. I don’t care what your excuse is. If it’s about a girl, hash that shit now. There’s no room on the field for drama. Especially girl drama.” He gives me a warning look.
