Page 51 of He Saved Me

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“No, I didn’t.”

“Fuck.” Tia slams her hand on the steering wheel.

“I bet it was that fucker Frankie.”

“How could you tell?” I ask Tia still keeping a look out for the driver.

“I can’t. It’s my gut instinct. That’s something he would do since he’s Christian’s lap dog.”

My phone dings but before I check to see who it is, the car in front of us flashes their bright lights blinding Tia. She jerks the wheel to avoid getting hit, but she isn’t quick enough.

The car hit us head on, and we’re spinning in a circle.

Fuck! Where the hell did they come from?

When Tia’s car comes to a stop, we come face to face with the other driver.

He revs the engine ready for his next move.

“Tia, reverse the car and get us out of here.” My voice trembles with fear.

“I can’t,” she whisper cries. “Why does this shit always happen to us?”

The car revs its engine again, and this time, he steps on the gas, heading right toward us, but then Seb’s Camaro comes out of nowhere and blocks the driver from hitting us.

The driver’s tires squeal to a stop.

Gio and Max are visible through the car window, guns aimed and ready to shoot.

The driver takes the hint that he’s outnumbered, and he backs up and drives away.

Seb and the guys jump out of the car to get to us. Gio and Max stay with the Camaro. Seb leans in the window on Tia’s side. “Are you ok?” His lips are drawn into a tight line, worry marring his face.

We don’t respond. Our heavy breathing is the only sound that fills the car.

“Let’s get you home.”

* * *

When we arrive at Abuela’s, I’m too shaken up to say or feel anything. Seb drove me back in his car while Max drove Tia’s car and dropped her off at home with Gio and Max staying behind with her.

Donnie comes barreling down the steps, pulling me into his arms. His body shakes with fear.

Thankfully Abuela and Sophia were sound asleep when we arrived. Seb filled Donnie in while I watched my baby girl sleep. Watching her little chest rise and fall and bubbles blowing out of her pouty lips slows the anxiousness inside me.

A soft knock raps as the door.

I look up to see Seb.

“Hey, you ok?”

I nod and look away.

“I’m going to stay and keep watch outside while D stays with you, ok?”

I nod because what else is there to do.

Shortly after Seb leaves, I walk out of my daughter’s room and find Donnie in the living room. His body is tense as he leans over anxiously rubbing his hands together.
