Page 53 of He Saved Me

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“Nothing, Donnie. I know you’re all in. That was never the question. I just need you to be safe, that’s all. Is that too much to ask?”


“What?” I ask, shocked at his answer.

“You know I would do anything for you.”

“Exactly!” I point at him.

“But it doesn’t change the fact that I want to be there for you. That’s the one thing you can’t take from me.”

Nope. Not happening. Keeping him safe is my number one priority.

“Yeah, well, watch me.” I start to walk away.

“Shorty. Get in the car.” I shake my head.

“Get. In. The. Car.”

“No!” I yell over my shoulder.

“Get in the fucking car!”

“Seriously?” I yell back, shocked and hurt that he would speak to me this way.

“Fuck,” he mutters.

“Shorty, wait, please!”

I turn my back on him and storm away.

Fuck this.

I make it half-way down the street and am ready to cross to the other side when Donnie’s car blocks my path. He gets out of his car, not appearing to care that he’s in the middle of the street and causing a traffic jam.

“Shorty, please, get in the car.” He opens the passenger door, ignoring the honks and profanities from the other drivers.

“Please, let me give you a ride home.” The softness in his voice, and the regret swirling in his eyes is enough for me to give in.

With a heavy sigh, I move toward his car. After shutting me inside, he made his way to the driver’s side and climbs into the seat. We ride in silence the entire way home.

When Donnie pulls up to Abuela’s house, he finally speaks. “Shorty, can you please look at me?” His voice is gentler.

I turn to face him. “I’m so fucking sorry.” His blue eyes are laced with pain.

I turn away from him and say nothing, exhausted with this conversation. “Thank you for the ride.”

I get out of the car, shutting the door behind me without giving him a backward glance.

Chapter 25- Donovan

It’s the second game of the season and I feel like shit. I can’t get the last fight with Shorty out of my head. After that night, I did something stupid and went back to the Pit.

After the weekend, I tried reaching out to her, but she’s been ignoring my calls and text messages. And who can blame her? I was an asshole to her.

“Get your head in the game, D!” Jag shouts from the dugout. I want to tell him to fuck off but he’s right.

“We won, didn’t we?” I throw my mitt against the locker.
