Page 116 of A Second Chance

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I direct my attention back to Scar. “Hey, Tink. Let’s get you inside.” The scene in front of me is killing me. I reach over her and pull the keys out of the ignition and pocket them.

“Scar, I’m going to unbuckle you and carry you into the house,” I warn her as I reach across her body and unbuckle her seatbelt. She doesn’t say a word or acknowledge my presence. With my arms underneath her knees and around her waist, I lift her out of the seat and cradle her against my chest. Using the back of my foot, I shut the door and walk up to her porch. I stand here realizing this is going to be difficult to open the door while she’s comatose in my arms.

I am getting ready to set her down when I hear footsteps behind me.

“Here, let me get the door open,” Mom says as she takes out the spare keys Scar’s mom gave her and unlocks the door.

"Where's Shaun?" I ask curiously.

"He's with your father right now," she replies. “He said Scar was complaining of a headache.”

Makes sense. Scar used to get migraines.

“Scar has groceries in the car. I’ll go get them, and you put her to bed,” she instructs me.

Not bothering to argue with my mother, I step into the house and carry Scar up the stairs. When we reach the landing, I swallow a lump of pain when we walk past Seth’s room. The door is closed but I still expect to see him walk out of his room, yelling for Scar to hurry up before they’re late for school.

When I reach Scar’s room, the door is already open and I walk in. I gently lay her down on her back. The last thing I want to do is let her go, but I need to make sure she’s comfortable and safe. I pull her shoes off and lift her halfway and remove her light fall jacket. As soon as the jacket is off, Scar rolls away from me and curls into a ball.

As I pull the curtains shut, I make my way to the bathroom, where I reach for a washcloth and run it under the faucet, letting the warm water soak through. With the damp cloth in hand, I return to Scar's side, where I gently place it on her forehead, hoping to ease her discomfort. I cover her with her favorite fleece blanket and slide in next to her. Holding her against my chest, I bury my face in her hair and inhale her peach scent, reminding me she is still alive and with me physically. I wrap my arms around her stomach and pull her closer to me. Footsteps creak outside her door, and when I lift my head, Mom is standing by the door.

“I spoke with Olivia. I’m keeping Shaun overnight because her migraines are bad, and she’ll be out for a while. If you need me, call me.”

I nod and she walks away.

“I’m here, Tink. I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper.



Ijolted in bed after a dream that I was falling from sky woke me up.

“It’s okay. It’s just me.”

I whip around so fast I fall off the bed at hearing Maverick’s deep tired voice.

“Shit!” he cries, trying to reach for me, but it’s too late. “Are you okay?” Maverick asks as he climbs off the bed to get to me.

“No, I’m not!” I snap, pissed off for falling on the floor and for Maverick scaring the hell out of me. “What are you doing here?”

“You had a migraine and passed out.”

I roll onto my knees and lift myself up off the ground. I run my hands through my hair and toss the blanket back on the bed. “I did?” I ask him confused.

"Yes," he nods and continues, "You came home from the store and parked in the driveway. After that, you passed out."

I looked at him with surprise. "Oh, so you were the one who helped me into bed?

He nodded his head with a gentle smile.

"Thank you," I whispered softly, feeling shy and vulnerable. Ignoring Maverick’s presence and the strong smell of his woodsy scent, I walk off into Shaun’s room. He must be hungry and wondering where his pancakes are.

“Monster, are you—” I stop halfway when I notice his bed is empty and made.

“Shaun?” I yell out frantically and run down the stairs calling his name, but he doesn’t respond.

Did Cole make on his threat?
