Page 4 of A Second Chance

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We were left to clean up the mess after Mom and Dad had went back inside. We were able to remove most of the paint, but Dad said that he would have to use some kind of chemical to get rid of the rest.

As the sun started to set, we finally decided to call it a day and went inside the house, feeling exhausted but happy. We took separate showers to wash off the paint and got ready for dinner.

As the day came to an end, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories I had made with Seth. I knew that I would cherish this day forever. The colorful mess on my clothes and skin served as a reminder of the joy and happiness I had felt when I was with him.




"Your sister is moving in with us"

Boom! Just like that, Mom dropped a bomb. Unfortunately, it didn’t blow me up.

My family dynamics were about to change as my half-sister Skylar was moving into our home. When I was eight years old, Dad was informed that he had a daughter shortly after becoming a partner in his company. The revelation has sent ripples through our family, and we are all trying to adjust to this new reality.

We haven’t seen or spoken to Skylar since the first day we met. She made no effort to stay in touch with dad, even when he tried reaching out to her. However, that all changed when her mother recently remarried and decided to travel abroad with her new husband. Given that Skylar was starting her senior year, like Seth and Maverick, my dad kindly agreed to take her in so she wouldn't miss out on this important milestone in her education.

When I first heard about Skylar, I was excited that I had a sister. But that excitement turned to dread the moment we first met.

Flashback: The day we met Skylar

Scar age 8, Seth age 14, and Skylar age 14

"Kids!" Dad shouted from downstairs. "Come down, please."

Seth and I were hanging out in my room, waiting to meet our half-sister, Skylar. Mom made us wear our nicest clothes, which made Seth crankier because he had to wear his khakis with a nice polo shirt and his hair styled with goop, as he called it.

Meanwhile, I wore my favorite butterfly print sleeveless dress, a light pink half sweater, my hair in a French braid, and pink ballet flats.

Seth wasn't thrilled about having another sister because he thought I was all he needed. I thought it was sweet, but I was looking forward to having a sister to share clothes with and talk about boys when I got older.

"Come on. Let's get this over with." Seth grumbled, pulling me along as we made our way down the stairs.

I giggled.

When our dad saw our joined hands, he smiled brightly. "Hey, kids."

"Hi, Daddy," I said, letting go of Seth and skipping toward him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey, doodlebug," he said, kissing my head.

"Derick, she's here," Mom called out as she entered the living room from the kitchen. She placed her arms around Seth's shoulders.

Dad let out a breath. "Are you ready?" He looked at me, Seth, and then at mom.

We all nodded, and the doorbell rang.

I stepped back and stood on the other side of mom. Skylar, a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, and her mother stood at the front door. Dad and Skylar's mom had a brief conversation before she left Skylar with our dad. Skylar walked in, and even though I smiled warmly at her, she didn't return the smile.

I frowned, but Mom squeezed my hand. I looked up at her and saw her smiling, giving me that little push of confidence I needed to get through this. I smiled back and turned to Daddy.

"Kids, this is Skylar," he said, touching Skylar's shoulder. "Skylar, this is Scar, Olivia, and Seth."

Skylar stared at us, uninterested. But Mom broke the silence and stepped towards her. "Hi, Skylar. We're so happy to meet you. We were getting ready to eat lunch, and then we can head out to the carnival."

Skylar smiled, but you could tell it was forced.
