Page 94 of A Second Chance

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As I dialed Ricky's number, my heart raced with urgency. I needed to hear his voice, to feel his presence even though he was miles away.

Each ring felt like an eternity.

Finally, he answered, and I poured out my desperation, pleading for his help. "Ricky, I need you," I gasped, trying to keep my voice steady.

The sound of laughter echoes in the background, followed by Ricky's voice. "I can’t talk. I'm busy," he says.

And then, the line suddenly goes dead.

At that moment, my heart felt like it'd been shattered into a million pieces. The weight of despair feels almost physical as it courses through my veins, leaving me feeling empty and defeated.

As I sit lost in thought, my mind wandering aimlessly, I lose track of time until the sudden sound of my phone ringing snaps me back to reality.

My phone kept ringing, and I finally answered it without looking at the screen.

"Yeah," I croaked.

"Oh, thank God!" Gem cried over the phone.

I winced, pulling it away from my ear. "Please, stop yelling," I whispered.

"Where are you, Scar? You were supposed to meet me at the cinema."

I was?

"I—I…oh hell, Gem. I don't know what happened last night." I wanted to cry.

"Where are you?" I could hear Gem shuffling in the background as if putting her shoes on to come get me.

"I think at the fraternity houses."

There was a silent pause.

"Which house, Scar?"

There was panic in her tone, which made my body tense.


"Which house are you at?"

I close my eyes and wince at the intensity of the surfacing emotions.

The only fraternity house that Cole had taken me to before was Omega Kappa, which was a few miles from the campus. I didn’t remember the address, but I remembered the side streets and the color of the house.

After I had given all the information I had to Gem, I slowly swung my legs over the bed while holding the sheet to my body and flinched when I felt wetness between my legs. With shaky hands, I slowly removed the sheet. Blood. A mixture of wet and dry blood caked between my thighs.

"Oh, my God," I whispered.

"What? What happened?"

I shut my eyes at the sound of Gem's voice. "I think I—."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Cole's voice boomed in the room, causing me to flinch. He stormed towards me, snatching the phone from my hands swiftly. The suddenness of his actions left me speechless.

"Whatever you're thinking didn't happen. We had consensual sex. You wanted it. I wanted it. End of story. Do you understand?"

I struggled to find the right words to say, but he repeated his question with an even firmer tone before I could respond. "Nod once if you understand," he commanded.

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