Page 23 of Midnight Magic

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The final leg of our journey brought us closer to our destination—the cave exit that was a mere two miles away from the Primoris Temple. The anticipation in the air was palpable, a mixture of hope and uncertainty. The prospect of regaining my memories was both exhilarating and terrifying.

As we finally approached the exit, I took one last look at the winding tunnels that had been our home for the past few days. I had learned so much during this journey, not only about magic but also about myself and the people who now surrounded me.

I was ready to face this head-on.


Emerging from the confines of the tunnel, the group was met with a breathtaking view of Primoris City. The ornate buildings and winding streets stretched out before them, with the Queen’s menacing castle casting a shadow over the city's heart. In the distance, a majestic temple stood tall, its spires reaching for the heavens.

I squinted, trying to find any fragment of memory within me. "Does the city always look this . . . theatrical?" I smirked, pointing towards the Queen's castle.

Nia's blue hair shimmered in the sunlight. "It's been said the Queen has a flair for the dramatic," she replied, water droplets orbiting her hand as her anxiety grew. It seemed that might beheremotional trigger, which I found fascinating given how composed she always seemed to be.

Oliver snorted. "That's one way to put it."

The brief moment of levity was interrupted as a lightning bolt fractured the horizon, and a pit of dread burst to life inside of me. In its wake stood Cas, every bit the picture of impeccable douche-iness, with his blonde hair tousled by the electric aura surrounding him.

Beside him, Lexi’s scar was a glaring testament to her violent past with Callan. Her eyes bore into us with malice, no love remaining in her eyes as she saw her former mate. Ever the enigmatic witch, Roxy scanned the group with a superior air, her dark gaze resting momentarily on Oliver with a sneer. A menacing group of the snake-like naga flanked them.

Callan's muscles tensed, the panther within him growling softly. Callan's eyes locked onto Lexi's with an icy precision, his Alpha power already brimming under the surface. We all gripped our weapons and magic tighter. A fight was going to be the only way we got out of this situation.

Lexi's eyes danced with a hint of madness as she leaned in slightly. "Tell me, Callan, do you miss me?” A snarl erupted on his face but he said nothing, angling his body to be half a step ahead of me, blocking my view of her.

I turned my attention to Cas, who was inching closer, and I took an involuntary step back.

Cas tilted his head with a knowing smile. "Still running, little sister?”

I flashed a defiant grin, giving him my middle finger and projecting a confidence I didn’t possess.

As the two groups faced off, the nagas slithered forth, their green-scaled forms reflecting the sunlight menacingly. The venomous sheen on their weapons served as a deadly warning.

Fire kindled around Oliver’s fists. "We need a strategy."

I shrugged. “Don’t die?”

Cas stepped forward, radiating confidence. “It ends here, sister. Give me the ring.”

Adrenaline surged through me as Cas lunged at me with a crackling bolt of lightning in his hand. I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding his attack, but the rush of energy brushed against my arm, leaving a searing sensation in its wake. Pain radiated from the burn, but I couldn't let it distract me.

Oliver rushed to my side, flames dancing in his palms as he aimed them at Cas. "Stay back, Casimir!" Oliver's voice held a warning edge.

Cas smirked, his eyes wild with power. "You've always been too soft, Oliver." With a flick of his wrist, he sent another arc of lightning my way.

I concentrated on my newfound abilities, gathering the energy within me. With a burst of effort, I managed to redirect the incoming bolt, sending it crackling harmlessly into the ground. I wasn't as skilled as Cas, but I was learning fast.

Meanwhile, Callan and Lexi were locked in a fierce struggle, both in their animal forms. Their snarls and growls filled the air as they circled each other, claws and teeth flashing.

Roxy and Finn engaged in a mesmerizing dance of magic within the cavern, each weaving their unique powers to create a dazzling display. Finn, his air magic swirling around him like an invisible tornado, launched gusts of wind and razor-sharp currents toward Roxy. She countered with intricate spells, conjuring barriers of shimmering energy that deflected the aerial onslaught.

Nia, with her power over water, faced off against the naga. Her mastery over the water gave her an advantage, and she summoned tendrils of liquid from the ground to bind and restrain the serpentine creatures. They hissed and writhed, their venomous fangs snapping dangerously.

Cas was growing more relentless with each passing moment. Oliver kept him at bay with his fire magic, but I knew I would need to contribute more to the fight in order for us to get out of here alive. I could smell Cas's electrical energy, a metallic tang in the air as he sent blast after blast.

I waited for the right moment. As Cas prepared another lightning strike, I sensed the charge building up. At the last second, I ducked and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly bolt as he launched it at my head. With a surge of energy, I let loose a frazzled burst of lightning, aiming it directly at Cas. He yelped in pain as it struck him, sending him tumbling backward.

Oliver seized the opportunity, surrounding Cas with a ring of fire, trapping him momentarily. We had the upper hand, but I knew Cas wasn’t going to stay down for long. If he were that easy to beat, he never would have kept the throne in the first place.

Curses flew as he struggled within the fiery circle that Oliver had conjured. He was trapped, but not beaten. Lightning crackled around him as he fought to break free, searching for a weakness. He blasted at the flames, and I was surprised to see they never left the circle, magic mixing with the flames in a glittering shimmer. Anger burned as he looked out toward us.
