Page 25 of Midnight Magic

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With a graceful turn, Vailia led our group deeper into the temple. I glanced at my friends, silently hoping they understood my need to explore the secrets of this place. The last thing I saw as we rounded the corner was Callan, his glare blazing a hole in her head.

* * *

The bathhousewithin the Primoris Temple was a vision of serenity. The walls were adorned with intricate mosaics of mystical creatures, and the room was filled with the delicate fragrance of exotic flowers. Vailia guided me towards a large, sunken marble pool filled with clear, sparkling water.

"You must cleanse yourself before entering the presence of the goddess," Vailia explained. “To rid yourself of any corrupt impurities.”

I nodded, doing my best not to get offended that she thought I had corrupt impurities. "How did you know I was coming?”

Vailia’s response was cryptic, her gaze distant. "The whispers of the realms carry secrets, Rowan. The river of time is ever-flowing. You have walked these halls, but you have also been a stranger to them."

Her words were as enigmatic as the temple itself, leaving me with more questions than answers. It was frustrating, but I couldn't deny the anticipation that stirred within me.

I began to disrobe, slipping into the refreshing waters of the pool. The coolness enveloped my skin, washing away the grime and weariness from the battles I'd faced. My fingers trailed through the water, and I couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries hidden within this sacred place.

As I bathed, Vailia remained by my side, her presence both comforting and unsettling. Her eyes watched me with a knowing gaze, as if she could peer into the depths of my very soul. I decided to press her further, desperate for any clues about my past.

"Will I be able to get my memories back?" I asked cautiously.

Vailia’s smile was gentle. "Memories are like leaves on the surface of a river. Some are carried away by the current, while others remain submerged, waiting to resurface."

What? I think Vailia had cleansed herself a few too many times.

Either way, I suspected the truth, even if I didn't want to admit it. When I was Olette, the unwanted daughter of Queen Tantaii, I had come to this temple in search of answers. I had sought the goddess's guidance, hoping to escape my miserable life and start anew. But the goddess had shown me the path to becoming Rowan, and I had willingly left behind the memories of Olette and the painful existence I had endured.

I had chosen to forget, and I knew I should trust that decision given I’d been the one to make it. But now, standing in the bathhouse of the Primoris Temple, I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right choice.

Once I had finished cleansing myself, Vailia guided me to a pristine chamber with flowing white curtains. It felt like stepping into a dream. In the center of the room, an ornate mirror framed in gold and adorned with shimmering gems awaited me.

"This mirror is a portal to the presence of the goddess Prim," Vailia explained. "Step through it, and you will find yourself in the sacred chamber."

I nodded, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. I glanced back at the mirror, my reflection wavering in its surface. It was now or never.

I took a deep breath.

I stepped through the ornate mirror, my surroundings shifting instantly. The new chamber I found myself in was unlike anything I had ever seen. It radiated with an ethereal light, and the air hummed with an ancient power that was almost suffocating. Being here felt wrong, like I wasn’t worthy enough to even exist.

"Okay, Rowan, don't freak out," I muttered to myself, the nervousness bubbling up and making me babble. "You've got this. Just talk to the goddess like you're chatting with a friend."

As I turned around, I was met with a breathtaking sight. The goddess Prim stood before me, her presence commanding the entire chamber. She appeared as if she had materialized from the very essence of magic itself. Her skin seemed to shimmer with an inner light, and her eyes held the wisdom of countless ages.

"Hey there," I greeted, a half-nervous smile tugging at my lips. "Nice place you've got here. Very 'goddess-y.'"

The goddess Prim regarded me with a serene smile, her voice a gentle melody. "Greetings, Rowan, seeker of answers. I am pleased that you have returned."

I couldn't help but fidget under her piercing gaze. "Yeah, well, life's full of surprises, you know? So, I'm here because, um, I need to find my memories. The ones I sort of . . . hid from myself." I paused, realizing I was probably babbling again.

The goddess's eyes held a depth of understanding. "I know of your request, Rowan, but I must be honest with you. The memories you seek, they cannot be returned."

My heart sank, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. "What? But . . . I thought you could help me. I thought you had the power to bring them back."

Prim's voice remained gentle but resolute. "I do possess great power, but some things are beyond even my abilities. Magic has to have balance, just as life does. The memories you hid away, you did so for a reason. To protect yourself, perhaps. To move forward in your life. I can’t really say. But it doesn’t change the fact that I cannot bring them back."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I blinked them back furiously. "But I need to know. I need to remember who I was, what I did. It's important."

The goddess's ethereal form seemed to shimmer with sympathy. "I understand your desire, Rowan, but the past is not always a kind place. Sometimes, it is better left undisturbed. I can offer you guidance, but I cannot grant the memories you seek."

I swallowed hard, trying to process the weight of her words. "So, there's no way? No way at all to get them back?"
