Page 94 of The King’s Queen

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The wall we were next to was technically an interior wall, but thanks to the wonders of elven portal magic, the window showed a view of Calor Villa, the white, cake-like tiers of the city going all the way down to the base of the mountain.

Rain puddled in the streets, but despite the murky night sky, the city was bright from lamps that burned with white and blue flames, reflecting off the white stone that made up the city walls and some of the buildings.

Even at this late hour a few elves were out and about. I saw two squads of what I was guessing were guards based on their dark clothing, and a few civilians huddled under brightly colored umbrellas.

“This is Calor Villa,” Noctus said. “Located within the fae realm, and connected to the human world with portals.”

“A hidden elf city,” Joy breathed. “But…how?”

I took a deep breath to fortify myself, then started what was going to be a difficult conversation. “First, I need to introduce you. Joy, Pat, the guy with the baby sling is the Paragon, the top fae representative in the USA. And that’s his cat, Aphrodite.”

“Very pleased to make your acquaintance.” The Paragon bowed to my siblings, then started patting Aphrodite’s rump.

“And this,” my voice cracked with anxiety, “is Noctus—the Mors elf king, and ruler over all the elves who live here—the last remnants of the elves. Noctus, Charon, Ker, and Aristide were the friends I stayed with when the tracker first found me.”

“How? And why?” Pat asked. “Did you know him before?”

I glanced up at Noctus, wondering if he wanted to step in. But the elf king tucked his hands into the pockets of his slacks, his shoulders squared and his thoughtful attention on us.

I guess I get to run this storytime.

“No,” I said, working to keep my voice even. “I met him in my cat form when I let a bunch of Seelie fae take me in order to escape the tracker. He rescued me…and then adopted me as his pet.”


* * *

Two hours passedbefore Pat and Joy were satisfied with my story and felt they’d gotten enough information about Noctus and the others.

They’d asked questions about everything from how I’d managed to fool everyone into thinking I was a cat, to clarification questions about the bonding magic Noctus had originally cast on me, to asking how the elves managed to live within human society without other supernaturals realizing they existed.

The Paragon was shockingly silent through most of the talk—he’d only complained when he let Aphrodite out of her sling and she chose to leave him to sit on my lap. Even now he was lying belly down on a pile of cushions, frowning at a row of books organized on a bookshelf that was nearly within arm’s reach as he listened.

“—been able to avoid detection from supernatural society as supernaturals haven’t historically been keen on sharing spaces with humans,” Aristide explained. “And besides shadows, no human or supernatural can see through an elf glamour. Realistically, it’s the invention of the cellphone and the age of information that has proven to be the largest threat to elven secrecy, but elves from Calor Villa have been able to use the cover story of fae nobles. Magiford has been a bigger challenge, mostly because supernaturals here are starting to adopt human technology.”

“You mean with the power of human technology and the new spirit of mingling that’s taking over Magiford, supernaturals are much more likely to notice the patterns of your people, and they’d know enough to question your people if they tried to use the excuse of fae nobles as their front.” The Paragon’s eyes nearly disappeared under the shelf his furrowed eyebrows made. “Which is why your people are in such a precarious situation. You could probably hide here in Magiford for another five, maybe ten years, but if things follow the current trajectory, it’s inevitable that you’ll be discovered.”

“Precisely,” Noctus said. “Although that doesn’t pertain to this conversation. We’re here to satisfy Pat and Joy, not discuss the future of the elves.”

Silence enveloped the library.

I looked back and forth between my siblings, trying to read their polite expressions.

“Do you have any more questions?” I petted Aphrodite, my fingers gliding over her wrinkled body as I tried to push down my building anxiety.

During the talk, I sensed a change from my siblings.

Joy had become quieter instead of chatty and inviting—signaling she was thinking.

Pat had thawed to Noctus and the others, but sitting next to me like he was, I could still feel the tenseness that radiated off him.

They were upset, but I had the nagging feeling that the target of their anger had switched from Noctus, tome.

They’re not happy I hid all of this from them.

“I think that’s all of the important things.” Joy leaned forward to set her empty china teacup on the stone edge of the firepit. “Or at the very least, that’s all I’m going to understand tonight.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” Ker said, her voice soothing. “I’m sure it’s a surprise to learn that elves still exist, much less our part in Chloe’s fight against the tracker.”
