Page 48 of Dark Fire

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Tevryn started to return her anger until he felt Warrick’s hand on his arm. “Learn from my experience. She isn’t angry. You just scared her. She isn’t used to being afraid. What you need to do is fold her in your arms, but make sure you do so in a way she can’t bring her knee up into your balls, and then tell her you’re sorry, and you won’t do it again.”

“I had no choice,” argued Tevryn.

“I’m aware of that and as she is your mate, you can handle her however you want. I’m just trying to let you benefit from my mistakes.”

“I’d listen to him,” said Delaney in a much calmer voice. “I could really use a hug.”

Tevryn pushed Warrick aside and opened his arms as Delaney flew into them. He held her close, offering his strength and comfort. Tevryn was sure that any other human female would have panicked, but not Delaney. She was far more interested in making sure he was unharmed.

“I am sorry I frightened you,” he said.

“Okay,” she said, her voice muffled against his chest. “But don’t do it again.”

Tevryn chuckled. “I’ll try not to.”

“We need to get moving,” said Falkor.

“What will we do with these three?” asked Warrick.

“For now, we’ll take them back to Dragonwyk until we decide what to do with them.”

The two warriors from the Phantom Fire took point, followed by Whistler with Warrick, Falkor, Delaney and Tevryn bringing up the rear.

They were hiking back to the place where Tevryn and Delaney had left their vehicle when on a steep and narrow part of the path, Whistler shoved one of the two dragons in the lead over the side. The dragon’s friend shifted and dove off the cliff to save his friend. Whistler tried to sprint away from him, but the ground wouldn’t hold, and it gave way. He fell to his death, meeting his end, sprawled on his back, his lifeless eyes staring into the sun.

The other dragons returned to the path unharmed and shifted, confirming that Whistler was dead. It was agreed that Delaney and Tevryn would return to Issaquah and the rest of their party would return to the stronghold to spread the news of what had occurred and see if anything could be learned from the piece of the tablet now within their possession.

“Am I a bad person to be glad he’s dead?” asked Delaney, handing the tablet to Falkor.

“Not at all. He was a loose end that would have been necessary to tie up. He saved us some trouble.” The two dragons below them had seen him fall and had incinerated the corpse before joining Tevryn and Delaney. “Both of you, fly back to Dragonwyk. We should see what we can pull off Whistler’s computers before it’s discovered he’s dead.”

The four flew away, leaving Tevryn alone with Delaney. They made the rest of the journey to the SUV in silence. “This isn’t going to get any easier, is it?” asked Delaney.

“No. It most likely will get worse, far worse. I will understand if you do not think you can handle this,” he said, sadly.

“Is it that easy for you? We meet, we fuck, and then you just go back to the war, leaving the little woman behind to mourn and pine for you? You bastard.” She rounded on him. “I may not be a dragon-shifter, but I’m no shrinking violet. Like you said, we are eternal flames. Am I scared? You betcha—on a myriad of levels: for myself, for our friends, for mankind, for the dragons, and all the other shifters. But do I think you and I making this sacrifice will save them or even improve the odds? Nope. You said to me ‘together or not at all.’ I mean to hold you to that. If you decide to go off to be noble and stupid, I’ll catch the first flight to Alaska and join the Resistance. This is my fight, too, Tevryn; you have no choice about that. The only choice you have is whether or not I base out of Dragonwyk, King County, or Alaska.”

Knowing when he was defeated, he took her hand in his and kissed it. “I have loved you from the very first moment I drew my first breath. I have waited for you for thousands of years. I will love you from that very first moment until we fly from this plane of existence into what lies beyond in the next.”

Looking down into her beautiful face, he used his thumbs to wipe away her tears.

“Don’t stand there blubbering romantic nonsense. Shut up and kiss me.”

He did just that, knowing that whatever came, they would face it together and be victorious.



Several Weeks Later

This would be the second time she took vows with Tevryn. The first time had been two weeks ago in a small civil ceremony in the backyard of the home she shared with Lucy in Issaquah. It had been a lovely gathering of friends and business associates. The sisters had announced that they were each respectively leaving their careers to form a new company. Bright Star Land Development had been born, and their first large-scale project was the creation of an event center close to Snoqualmie Falls—something along the lines of Wolf Trap or Red Rocks.

Lucy was still in the dark as to Tevryn’s true nature, and Delaney had yet to decide whether or not she would undergo the transition to become drakaina. Her sister seemed to have accepted the idea that while Tevryn was far more than a freelance journalist, he was on the side of good, and Delaney would travel with him, joining Lucy as needed when an in-person meeting was warranted. At first, Lucy hadn’t been keen on the idea, but seeing her sister’s happiness and the way Tevryn treated Delaney had allayed her fears.

But today was the day Delaney would take her vows in front of the Phantom Fire and their honored guests and allies.

“They really aren’t as fearsome as they’d like everyone to believe,” said Kessily as she and Dani joined Delaney in the yurt she now shared with Tevryn.

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