Page 21 of The Clearing Rain

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“Two units from Davenport are mobilizing to Strahan as we speak and the other two units coming from Launceston will be here in twenty minutes.So that gives us time to talk.”Pederson spoke as if Nico wasn’t already completely aware of the procedures he himself had set in motion in the car on the way home, and Lacey glanced at Nico, but he carefully kept all emotion off his face.The other detective took a seat at the front of the room, watching as Lacey and Nico took the two chairs to his left.They were still dressed in their casual clothes they’d been wearing to blend in, her in jean shorts and a tank top, and Nico also in shorts, a tee, and loafers, his shoulder-length hair which was normally tied up, was loose but slicked back.Pederson, however, was wearing his detective uniform of a dark suit, white shirt and tie.For some reason, this made Lacey feel at a disadvantage, and she knew Nico would feel it too.It clearly outlined the fact he was still working the case, and they had now been demoted to… She wasn’t sure what they were now.Witnesses at best, civilians at worst.

Lacey had to admit, it looked like Pederson was taking to being a lead investigator like a duck to water.He was cool, organized, and prepared.That arrogance was still there, but sometimes it was needed if you had a large team to keep under control.Respect was often hard-earned in the police fraternity, and a strong ego never hurt to maintain authority.Nico had already earned the respect of his peers by hard work and producing great results, and Lacey was thankful he was one of the least conceited men she knew.Nico would have also shown some compassion for a man who’d just found out his father was a killer, rather than the icy coolness of Pederson’s requests.Another point in Nico’s favor.

“Let’s start at the beginning, with your impressions of this guy.”Pederson turned to face Lacey.“Tell me about the very first few moments after you spotted him.”He wasted no time in getting directly to the point.

Lacey recounted her interaction with Serge with clinical detail, leaving nothing out.But when she came to the part where they’d given up the chase and decided to head back to the hut, Pederson stopped her.

“That’s all good stuff,” he said.“But I’m looking for more.Your gut instincts about him.How did it make you feel when he first caught your eye?I want to know what your intuition told you about him, before you actually suspected who he was.Before that knowledge colored your story.”

Lacey looked into Pederson’s face.He was good-looking in an unconventional manner, with a large, slightly flat nose and an equally big mouth with plump lips and white teeth which lit up a room when he deigned to smile—which wasn’t often.There was also a sharp intelligence behind his dark eyes, and he was using that acumen right now by diving to the heart of her interaction with Nico’s father.When Nico had asked her about him, she’d skillfully avoided the part where the other man had made her skin crawl.But he was going to hear it now, whether he liked it or not.

“Something was off about him right from the start,” Lacey admitted.“He made me feel…weak?No, that’s not it.Maybe ineffectual.Like he had all the power, and he knew it.As if we were playing a game of cat and mouse, and he was most definitely the cat.”A small shiver ran down her spine at the memory.“I looked directly into his eyes, and it was as if they were dead.Like he had no compassion left; maybe he never had any.”

As she spoke, she glanced at Nico.She was most probably reaffirming in his mind that he’d made the right decision to pull out of Strahan when they had.He’d done it for her.Her and the baby.Lacey knew that if she hadn’t been there, Nico would’ve been the first one to be out there hunting down his father.And if he’d found him, perhaps he’d have obtained the answers he deserved.And perhaps that’s what Serge wanted all along.To goad his son into doing something stupid.To pull him in, like she’d theorized earlier.Maybe Nico had it wrong, and it wasn’t Lacey he was after.Maybe the father was out to kill his son all along.

“So, the eyes of a killer?Is that what you’re saying?”Pederson asked curtly.

“I guess so,” Lacey said with a shrug, leaning back in her chair.

“And what’s your take on all of this?”Pederson turned to Nico, finally bringing him in on the conversation.Shadbolt might’ve taken Nico off the case, but Pederson was right, his input on his father’s motivation and weaknesses might just make the difference in capturing him.One thing neither Pederson nor Shadbolt knew, however, was how little Nico truly understood his father.Which was a good thing in Lacey’s eyes, because it meant Nico was absolutely nothing like Serge.Even though that was one of Nico’s worst fears, that he’d turn out like his father, she knew it was groundless.Nico was a good man.A kind man.And a courageous man.All things Serge wasn’t.

“I have a theory,” Nico said, and Lacey tensed.Even though they’d discussed this, she still wasn’t happy he was exploring it with Pederson.“Nobody but Shadbolt knows this yet, but I believe it’s now pertinent to the case.We had a burglar break into our house during the Sandra Brown case, I’m not sure if you remember?”

Pederson tilted his chin to confirm he did.

“I had a phone call about a week after the break-in from my father, and among other things, he validated my suspicions that it was him in our house that night.He also threatened Lacey.I don’t think that him turning up on that corner in the split second Lacey was alone was coincidence.I think he’s been trying to get to her all along.”

“Hmm.”Pederson tapped his pen against his chin.“Interesting theory.Especially when you add into the mix the fact that the second victim, Taylor, knew to ask for Lacey specifically.Which seemed odd at the time.But if you include those other facts, it’s more than a coincidence.”

“Exactly,” Nico slapped his knee in endorsement.

“Why?What’s his interest in her?”Pederson asked brusquely.

“That’s what we’re still trying to figure out.But it’s the main reason I got out of Strahan as fast as possible.”Nico was practically bristling with indignation now.He wasn’t used to not being in charge, and Pederson questioning him was frustrating him like nothing else.

“So you think all of this could be directly related to Lacey somehow?”Pederson asked.

Nico stiffened even more, but inclined his head.

“Sometimes a killer’s motive is a lot less personal than we like to think,” Pederson said slowly.

“And sometimes it’s not,” Nico barked back.

“What does he mean by that?”Lacey butted in, suddenly intrigued, but also wanting to calm the situation, wondering if Nico might’ve missed the point.

“Sometimes they kill just for the sake of killing.It’s almost as if they’re hardwired to kill.Just like you and I are hardwired to smile at a puppy,” Pederson added.

“If my father just wanted to kill people, he could’ve easily stayed on the mainland to do it.That doesn’t explain why he’s here.He knows I live here.He knows I’m in love with Lacey.Maybe he sees killing Lacey as his ultimate triumph, as a way to hurt me, I don’t know.But there’s a whole lot more to it than him being a simple serial killer.”A deep red was creeping slowly up Nico’s neck and Lacey was suddenly nervous for Pederson’s well-being.Nico didn’t like being lectured to, and he certainly wouldn’t like Pederson suggesting that Nico had it all wrong.It was one thing to take the lead on this case away from him, but a whole other level to try to throw it back in his face.

“Hmm,” Pederson said calmly, not rising to the bait.“We also have to consider that it might be you he’s after.Even though you don’t seem to fit his archetypal victim.”Lacey sent up a silent cheer.Nico might not listen to her fears, but he’d certainly take more stock if Pederson said it too.“I’m wondering if I need to put you both under guard?”

Nico rocked back in his chair as if Pederson had struck a physical blow.“No,” he said roughly.“I’m not the target here, she is.And I can take care of her.I can take care of both of us.”This time, he stood up, hands clenched by his sides.Oops, looked like Pederson had gone a step too far.It was one thing to question his lack of knowledge about his own father, but to question Nico’s ability to protect Lacey, that was sacrilege.

Time for her to step in.Standing up, she positioned herself between Nico and the other detective.“We’ll definitely consider your advice,” she said to Pederson.Nico took a tiny step forward, as if he meant to move her out of the way, eyes blazing, and she put a warning hand on his chest.“But we’ll decline your offer of protection.For now.”She didn’t take her eyes off Pederson’s face, but she could feel Nico’s rage vibrating through his ribcage.She needed to get him out of here before he became violent and got himself arrested for assaulting another officer.“You can call either one of us if you need any more info.I think it’s best if we both go home.”

Pederson studied her for a few moments.There was no fear in his eyes, merely cool regard.But he was underestimating Nico if he thought he’d take these veiled insults lying down.And he also severely underestimated her own abilities as a black belt to set him on the floor if need be.Together, she and Nico could incapacitate the other detective in a heartbeat, but that wasn’t the point.Violence wasn’t going to solve anything here.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Pederson finally acknowledged, taking a step away from them and straightening his tie.
