Page 28 of The Clearing Rain

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Shadbolt tapped a finger thoughtfully on the tabletop.“Lacey seemed to have a connection with Taylor.It’s another reason Pederson assigned her that duty.If anyone can find her, maybe she can.”

“Hmm.”Nico wasn’t sure he agreed.Lacey had first formed a connection because Serge had made it so.It was true that Lacey had gone on to forge a strong bond with Taylor on her own, but Nico often wondered if her connection would’ve been that strong if the girl hadn’t reacted so strongly to her name when they first met.And it also made him wonder why his father was so interested in Lacey.Not knowing made his insides twist in a million knots.But the sooner he got out there and helped capture Serge, the sooner he could ask those questions.He stood, getting ready to exit the office, already intent on his task.

“Oh, and, Nico?”He turned at the reproach in his boss’s voice.“I’m only letting you take part in this because most of our people are stuck down in Strahan.But if you find Taylor, or any clue to where she might be, I want you reporting straight back to me.Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”Nico met Shadbolt’s gaze, knowing that he’d overstepped earlier and probably needed to make amends.“I understand the stakes here, sir,” he replied evenly.

“Good.Off you go then.”Shadbolt dismissed him with a wave of his hand.“I’ve got a media interview to prepare for.”

“Good luck, sir.”Nico threw his boss a wry grin as he exited the door, glad he didn’t have to walk in Shadbolt’s shoes today.As lead investigator on a case, it was often Nico’s job to stand at Shadbolt’s shoulder during one of these shit-shows and answer any tricky questions thrown their way.But today, that honor would go to Pederson, and Nico gave a roguish smile as he strode down the hallway, knowing the upcoming interview could well be a baptism of fire.


LACEY SAT AT the kitchen table, watching the phone on the countertop charge up.She knew a burner phone when she saw one, and her first instinct when she’d unwrapped the box had been to take it straight to the station.Let Pederson deal with it.But curiosity, along with a sense of urgency had got the better of her and she’d plugged it in to charge instead.

This was the first chance Lacey had to investigate the box, as she and Lawson had driven straight from Pacca’s farm to the foreshore as directed by dispatch.On the way, she’d called Pederson over the radio, reporting the interview with Pacca had produced no new information, all the time hoping he didn’t detect the slight wobble in her voice.But Pederson was so caught up with the search for Taylor—because he was the lead on the case, this would be seen as his gigantic stuff up—he’d just grunted a few unintelligible words at Lacey and rang off.Lacey silently hoped that Pederson forgot all about their little visit to the old farmer.

The two female officers then spent a fruitless afternoon out searching for the missing girl.Walking the streets of Burnie near the harbor, probing every disgusting, dead-end alley, searching through the parkland along the foreshore, lifting the lids on all the dumpsters to check inside, and showing Taylor’s photo to passersby.But even while she did this, her gut told her they weren’t going to find Taylor just wandering aimlessly, like they had before.It was different this time.

More than once, Lacey had drawn the box out of her pocket when she found herself alone down the end of an alley or standing on a quiet corner, but then Dawn had called to her from the other side of the street, or someone had walked close by, forcing her to replace it until she had the proper time and space to inspect it.

Finally, the order had come over their radios that they were to report back to the station.They’d already worked way past the end of their shift, but both female officers would’ve kept going all night if they could’ve.There was no arguing with a direct command, however.She and Lawson were to go home and get some sleep, while other officers continued the search through the night, and then they could recommence the hunt at first light if need be.

Possibly, the only reason that Lacey complied with the order to go home was the tug of the little birthday-wrapped box still resting in her pocket, screaming at her that this might be important, and she needed to find out what it was.The whole time she’d been searching, her mind kept returning to the box, wondering what was in it and if it had any relation to this case.She was taking a huge risk by not telling anyone about its existence—not even Nico.Especially not Nico.But the instructions had been explicit.And if there was the slightest glimmer of hope that this phone might help her find Taylor, then she was willing to take that risk.

Nico was going to kill her when he found out.He’d called an hour ago as she was driving home, checking up on her and saying he might not be finished until late.It was good to hear his voice, but Lacey found it hard to concentrate on his words as the guilt of her huge secret ate away at the corners of her mind.It was a betrayal, and she knew it.Their relationship was firmly based on trust, but it was hard won, and they’d weathered a few storms regarding matters of trust in the past.She didn’t want this to become a wedge between them.Would he ever forgive her?Even if it meant saving the life of an innocent girl?

And now it wasn’t just her she had to think about.There was a new life forming in her belly, a life she was wholly responsible for.Was the life of an innocent girl worth putting her unborn baby at risk?

Shit.She was so conflicted; she really didn’t know what to do.Even the idea of opening that box had been ridiculous.She should just disconnect the charger and take the whole thing back to the station.There would be consequences for withholding evidence, but that’d be better than keeping it a secret.But then her mind seesawed again.Taylor’s survival could depend on her following those instructions.When she thought of what that poor girl had been through.And how terrified she must be now, confronted with the same man who’d abducted her days before.She couldn’t even bear to think about it.Lacey might be her only hope, and it was that thought more than anything that kept her from calling Nico right now and telling him everything.

Smudge got up from where he’d been lying in the doorway to the kitchen and came over to sit at her feet, as if sensing her distress, those intelligent ears pricked in her direction.“I know,” she said, patting his head.But this time, the dog could do nothing to ease her torment, because even though those brown eyes were full of compassion, he couldn’t give her the answers she needed.

Impatient, she stood and walked over to the countertop, staring down at the small, incongruous thing.It was a simple, generic brand, android phone, small and compact with a full screen display, probably available in most big retail stores.The phone was only forty percent charged.But it didn’t need to be fully charged for her to use it, so she pushed the on button, then worried at her bottom lip as the phone lit up and went through its startup sequence.What if it was password protected?But she needn’t have worried.When the screen finally glowed blue it showed a single phone number saved into the contacts.A way to correspond with whoever was on the other end of this phone.

What to do?Running her thumb around the edge of the screen she weighed up her options.Make a phone call?Send a message?She had more control over a message.Wouldn’t be so easily swayed if she didn’t have to listen to that man’s compelling voice.Hand hovering over the phone, she wavered, half tempted to place it back in the box and close the lid.No, she needed to do this for Taylor’s sake.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she typed out the words.

Who’s there?What do you want?

The reply came back almost immediately, as if he’d been waiting for this exact moment.

You know who this is.Nice to finally hear from you, Lacey.

Her skin crawled as she read the words.It was Serge, she just knew it.

What do you want?

Are you alone?Is Nicolas there?

Again, she hesitated, her forensic mind working through the minute details of everything he said.Serge must not be watching the house if he was asking where Nico was.Perhaps he didn’t even know where she was right now?Could she use that to her advantage somehow?

I’m alone.

It was simple and to the point.

Good.I have the girl, Taylor.
