Page 47 of The Clearing Rain

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“You can’t do this to me,” he moaned.

“I’m sure no one will miss us if we just nip inside for five minutes.”She bit her bottom lip and stared up at him from beneath lowered eyelashes.

Was she serious?The look on her face said she was.He was paralyzed by indecision.Surely they couldn’t.Could they?

“Ever since I put this dress on, I’ve been wondering what it’d be like to have sex with my new husband in my new dress.”

“You’re killing me,” he moaned again.

“I know.”She gave a slow, wicked smile.

“Lacey, we can’t.”He couldn’t believe he was saying this.Couldn’t believe he was the one showing restraint, because if the way she was kissing his neck was anything to go by, she meant what she said.Even though he wanted to.Oh, so much.

“Spoilsport,” she said with a small pout, but then her eyes cleared and she seemed to regain some sensibility once more, and he knew he was right to stop this.

“You have to distract me.I can’t turn around.”He looked pointedly at his groin, and she followed his gaze down to where a large bulge strained at the zipper of his pants.

She giggled, and raised an eyebrow, but when he cast her an anguished glance, she relented.“Okay.I’ve been dreaming up a little plan, but I need your help,” she said, pulling back a few inches from him.“So get your thinking cap on.”

“Right.”He tried to redirect his thoughts away from what Lacey might look like astride him, wedding dress hiked up to her breasts, while he lay on the bed wearing nothing but his white shirt.“What am I thinking about?”he asked almost in desperation.

“Sally-Ann and Tyrell,” she replied triumphantly.Her smile told him he should know what she was talking about, but he was completely lost.


“I think Sally-Ann would be great for Tyrell.We need to get them together.I noticed the way she was looking at him earlier.”

“Oh.”He nodded.Sally-Ann had been so intent on setting Tyrell up with one of her friends, but he had rejected every one.Maybe Lacey was right.Maybe the woman for him had been right under his nose all along.“Right.”

“I think I’m going to go into the shed and make a few changes to the seating arrangements,” she said, her lips curving up at the idea of her secret conspiracy.“And I need you to start dropping subtle hints to Tyrell.Like, how lovely Sally-Ann looks out of uniform, that sort of thing.”

Nico nodded sagely.He could do that.“Sure.But while you’re changing the seating arrangements, I promised Brice a little favor as well.”He went into detail about how Brice had an immediate, almost visceral, reaction to seeing Dawn.Lacey absolutely loved the idea, as he knew she would.By the time they’d come up with their little plan of action, he was pleased to discover his erection had almost disappeared.

Almost, but not quite.

“We should get back to our guests,” Lacey said, not without regret.“Some of them are starting to stare.”She tipped her chin and Nico saw a gaggle of the older ladies from around the neighborhood with their heads together all looking in their direction.

“Yes, I guess we shouldn’t scandalize the guests.Especially when we have to see them every day,” he replied, taking a step back and pulling on the hem of his suit jacket to get it straight again.“But just know this,” he said, leaning in to kiss Lacey lightly on the cheek.“I’m making you a promise.Two more hours.Three tops.Then you’re mine.And I’m a man who keeps his promises,” he growled.The cottage would be full to the brim with his family tonight.Hell his mother and Andy were sleeping in the spare bedroom down the hall.But he didn’t care a whit if anybody heard what they were up to.It was their wedding night.And Nico meant to make sure to be grateful for every single second of it.

They were driving down to the Tarkine tomorrow morning to spend three glorious nights under the stars in their special place.Then they were moving on to spend another week in the Saffire luxury resort in Freycinet National Park.He couldn’t wait to start their honeymoon.But he wasn’t going to wish tonight away either.Surrounded by their family and good friends, tonight was a time to celebrate.With the woman he loved more than anything else in the world by his side, he was invincible.This was the start of something new, intense, and deep and significant.The next chapter in his life.And he was more than ready to step up to the plate and be the husband and father he wanted to be.

“I’m holding you to that promise,” Lacey said as she took his hand in hers and led him away from the cake tent toward the group of guests all gathering at the garage door.The crowd parted to let them through, a few of them raising their glasses in their direction and shouting, “To Lacey and Nico,” until there was a chant ringing around the garden.“Lacey and Nico, Lacey and Nico.”The sound hit him straight in the chest.He drew his wife into his arms and they beamed at the people all around who wished them the best of life to come.And in that moment, Nico knew it would always be them, him and Lacey, together forever.Along with whatever family was gifted to them.



It’s a boy.

A happy, healthy, bouncing baby boy.

Nico tells Lacey he knew it all along.

Lacey tells Nico that she loves him and Samuel to the moon and back.

When Samuel comes home, Smudge will not leave his new baby brother’s side, appointing himself protector and soulmate for the rest of eternity.
