Page 132 of The Wrong Proposal

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“BJ has told me all the best places to visit. I even found the perfect tropical paradise for us and intended to ask you then.”

“Ask me what?” I croak.

He takes my hand and lifts the paper closer for me to read.

My hands are shaking, so he takes the note and clears his throat. “Every love story starts with a first meeting. Our paths crossed in an unexpected way.

“Our story was even better at second sight.

“You once said sometimes you meet people who make the world a better place. On our second-chance night, you were determined to make me smile. A stranger sitting alone at a bar.”

“At a wedding,” I rasp out and shake my head.

“Pen,” Franklin says gently. “Being sad worked in my favor. In a short time, you understood me better than I did myself. You knew what I needed and reminded me of what I deserved.” He stops reading and stares into my eyes. “I don’t deserve you, Penny, but you have convinced me that we are right together. More than anything, I want our love to be endless.”

I swipe a tear and blink several times to stop my mascara from running.

“In an ever-changing world, you are my certainty. My home team. The love of my life.”

I look at Franklin, the tears blurring my sight. He is holding a red velvet box, the lid flipped open. A whooping solitaire diamond ring sparkles under the lights.

“Penelope Gilbert, will you marry me?”

My hand covers my mouth. I’m stunned he’s doing this here. Now.

“I planned to ask you when we were alone in one of the most exotic locations in the world. Only I considered your thoughtfulness and sharing our special day with our families.”

My beautiful man thought to include my parents. My heart is so full of love for him.

“I thought about what you would like, and some might think it’s arrogance to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me in front of family in case you said no. Except this time, I thought long and hard, and since I know how I feel about you, and I already know how you feel about me…” He winks. “I want to spend forever with you.”

I fall from my chair into his arms and onto his bent knee. My arms wrap around Franklin in a bear hug. “Yes,” I cry. “It will always be yes.” I smother his face with kisses until he takes my cheeks in his hands and holds me still.

Franklin gazes into my eyes, and I feel the love pouring from him.

“I love you,” he whispers before he kisses me long and hard. Cheering and applause sound around us.

I pull back, and Franklin slides the ring on my finger. I giggle with the emotion swirling through me. I kiss him, then hold his gaze and say, “You aremy personwho brings me happiness.”

“And it’s my priority to makeyouhappyevery single day.”
