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“I just got a major lead,” he turned to the captain, “Before I go?”

“Oh yeah,” the robust man wiped his mouth and stood before Rami and his mate, “Noemi Donato, I hereby officially welcome you as the Primus of the Luani Pride into the fold as the mate of Rami Llewellyn, myTertius, and the new Luani Pride representative for the Shifter Council of New York City.By the way, we’ve received your request for membership, and it has been approved.”

“It has?Oh, my gods!”Noemi gasped and covered her mouth in her glee.

“Yeah,” the captain’s cheeks turned ruddy, when she kissed his cheek and almost bowled Rami over in her exuberance, “Congratulations, you are the new Druid representative in the Council.”

Rami drove his sweet mate back to their apartment in his family brownstone.After he’d claimed her, he asked her to move in with him and she accepted.It would take a few days to move her in completely, but he had her with him when it counted, and that was all Rami needed to be happy.

“Hello, my two sweeties,” Nana was checking the mail when they pulled up, and Noemi exited the vehicle with a ready kiss and hug for the older woman, who seemed to adopt her on sight.

“Hello,Mrs.LLew-, I mean,Nana.I brought you some sliced rye,” Noemi handed the older woman the package of fresh baked bread.

The women exchanged some more greetings while he waited, then his grandmother gave him a knowing wink and his mate turned to him.He still couldn’t believe it.She was really his.

“Don’t you have to go?”Noemi asked as he followed her up the stairs and into their bedroom.

“I do, but there is something I need to do first,” he growled, “It will only take a minute.”

“A minute?I guess Shifters aren’t so different than humans after they mate,” she joked.

“I think you earned yourself a spanking for that one, sweet mate, but I wasn’t talking about sex,” he grinned and took off his clothes.

“Oh?Then what?”Noemi’s eyes widened appreciatively as they traversed his body, but Rami had to put his baser needs to the background.This could not wait a moment longer.

“My Lion wants to meet you,” he began, gauging her reaction.

“Alright,” she said, and knelt on the bed.

“Don’t be afraid,” he frowned, realizing his beast might be daunting in so small a space.

“I’m not, Rami, please, I want to meet him too.”

“Okay,roohi,” he grinned, and welcomed the familiar hum that danced along his skin.

In the blink of an eye Rami moved from man to beast.He embraced his shift swiftly, and what was once pain was now nothing more than a few tingles.He stretched his claws, opening his mouth wide in a typical feline yawn before turning to his mate.The female stared in awe of his mighty beast, and the animal soul within preened at her attention.

Usually, this type of thing would happen before a mating took place, but Rami was not one for doing things the ordinary way.Just looking at his sweet mate, and he knew he had made the right choice.

“Can I touch you?”Noemi asked in a breathy sort of whisper, but his keen sense of hearing picked up her words without any trouble.

He grumbled, chuffing happily as he stepped near her outstretched hand.Soon he was purring like a housecat as Noemi ran her soft fingers through his mane and the coarser, denser fur on his chest and back.

“You are so beautiful,” she said.

Happy as he was to have her continue, Rami still had a job to do.His Lion snarled at him, but the man was insistent.

Later, he promised his beast.We have all the time in the world with her now.

“Thank you,” she smiled and kissed his lips when he returned to his human form.

“I should be thanking you,roohi,” he said, kissing her back, but ending it all too briefly at the constant buzzing coming from his cell.

“You be careful out there,” Noemi reminded him, as Rami shrugged back on his clothes and picked up the phone.

“Of course, my love,” he smiled then looked down, “Damn.Looks like my friend Dante set off an explosion to cover his tracks.Smart move.I just hope he put the evidence we need in that car he mentioned.”

“It will work out, I’m sure,” she said and her confidence in him was right there on her face, made him want to pound his chest and roar to the world.

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