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Konstantin was almost old enough to work the docks with his father, but Mama insisted he finish school.At nearly seven feet tall and still growing, it was proving difficult to remain unnoticed by the local bratva.That was something his mother feared more than anything.

“Be a good boy, Konstantin.Stay away from the gangs, and criminals,”she’d told often him.

After all, it was his dealings with the local crime bosses that had left his Papa with a permanent limp and physical disabilities from the multiple toes and fingers that were missing from his feet and hands.Shifters could recover from many wounds and injuries, but not amputations.That was something even their enhanced healing abilities could not overcome.

The screams got louder, and Konstantin picked up Alina who’d just started to cry.The sounds were coming from the building where his family rented an apartment from Ivanovich.The head of the local bratva had many slums on the city where he took advantage of the many poor Shifter families.

His inner beast scratched and roared, but he was no match for the many members of the bratva waiting for their boss outside.Instead of facing them and risking Alina’s life, he covered her mouth with his hands and hid them both in the cellar of the neighboring building.

The old man was yelling about missing rents and late payments.He was going to use Konstantin’s father as an example, or worse, take it out on his mother.That was something, he could not allow.

“Alina, will you stay here?Hidden for me, yes?”he asked his baby sister.

Blue eyes clear as the sky looked up at him, swimming with tears.She nodded her head, already older than her six years and he nodded, cursing roughly under his breath.He prayed he was not too late.

By the time he reached the apartment the men were gone, and his mother was wailing over the prone body of his father.Papa was gone.Killed by the bastards who ruled over all of them.

“Konstantin!”she cried, standing up and going to him, still covered in her mate’s blood.“You must run.Go to your Uncle.Je will put you on a ship---”

“What about you?Alina?”

“Where is she?”

“In the basement next door.Let me get her,” he said, frantic with worry.

“Yes, get her.I will pack.”

When he once again returned to the apartment, he found the neighbors gathered.They shook their heads and turned their backs on him and his family, shunning them even as his father’s body grew cold on their kitchen floor.Anger surged, but his mother was there, stopping it before he could blow like a steam engine.

“Come.Now.There is no time,” she said, handing him a suitcase and taking the whimpering child from his arms.

They ran through the street, ducking in alleys, and moving faster then the humans around them.Tiger Shifters had night vision and traversing through the ice slicked alleys was quick work for them.They reached his Uncle’s house in no time at all.

“You’ve come,” Uncle Petyr said, grabbing his sister in a quick hug.

The man took his niece and handed her off to his wife who cuddled the child close.All the adults were trying not to cry, but Konstantin could feel their grief.Shared it with them.

“Can you get him out of here?”Mama begged.

“Only the boy.I am sorry,” Uncle Petyr said.

“It is good.he will make a good life and we will come later,” she said, nodding.“Okay Konstantin?Yes?”

“I want to stay with you,” he said, a boy’s dream.

“No, I won’t let them have you too,” Mama cred, holding him tight to her breast.“I love you son, but I need you to live.Here, there is only death waiting for you.Now go.Be strong.Be the man I know you can be.We will be together one day.”

“We go now,” Uncle Petyr said, grabbing the suitcase and taking Konstantin’s hand.


“Come now, boy.Be quiet or you will bring those monsters here.”

That fact shut him up faster than if his Uncle had slapped him.Konstantin looked one last time at his mother and sister, who’d returned to her side.He waved and nodded, biting back his own tears, then he left his Uncle’s apartment.And Russia.

And he never looked back.


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