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Fuck.he owed this man a lot.How was he ever going to explain what he had done?Was it enough to admit his Bear was losing it over the female?All he knew was he would give anything to make it right with Konstantin.He would even bleed for it.

The male Tiger sniffed, turning his bright, familiar eyes on Eduardo.His face, like steel, remained trained on him, then it changed.A smile broke out and Eddie canted his head, confused.

“Ha ha!Brother!Congratulations.You finally did it, then?”

“What?”Eddie asked.

“My sister has been moping for weeks, man.I am glad you both got this settled.And from the bite on your neck, not a moment too soon.Damn, she really took a chunk out of you,” Konstantin noted.

Eddie’s hand reached up and touched the still healing wound.Yeah, he supposed, the male was right.Alina had torn his shit up.Not that he minded.Just the memory of her sexy little body writhing beneath him had his cock hard enough to punch through a brick wall.

“So, you gonna marry her, too?These females all dream about their wedding, you know,” Konstantin was saying, his gaze back on his work.

“Fuck, Kon, I mean, aren’t you mad?I bedded your sister.She was a virgin, and I put my?—”

“Geezus fucking shit, bro.No details,” the Tiger snapped.“I mean, look, no man wants to think of his sister having sex.I mean, that’s fucked up.But, she is a woman, an adult, and after the rescue, we all kind of knew she was yours and you were hers, right?”

“I’m not good enough, man.She deserves more?—”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”Konstantin argued.

Eddie’s shoulders slumped as he sat down, head in his hands.How could he explain it to a man he admired so much just how unworthy he was?Alina was a fucking princess, and he was as low as a dog.

“Dude, you are the best male I know,” Konstantin said from right in front of him and Eddie startled.

When had that big motherfucker moved?Feline fucking grace, my ass, he thought.Those Big Cats were humongous, and their silence made them all the more deadly.Still, Konstantin was wrong about Eduardo.

“Listen to me, Eddie, There is no one else I would ever entrust with protecting and caring for my sister.”

“She’s barely twenty-one,” he started.

“Yes, she is an adult, Eddie.And do not forget, she was born and raised in Russia.Life for a Shifter is much harder there than here.Alina is tough as nails, bro.You would be doing her a disservice to think she doesn’t know her own mind.”

Pride filled Eduardo as he thought of all she had been through and overcome.Kon was right.The female was fierce and strong.Mi fiera, he thought with a grin.

“Besides, you claimed her, so what are you upset about?”

“Actually, I didn’t.She claimed me, but I withheld my bite.Fuck, man, I thought she deserved better!”Eddie explained.But by the look on Konstantin’s face, Eddie knew he had really fucked up.

“Shit.You better think of ways to make it up to her, Eddie.There is nothing like a pissed off Tigress, I promise you that.Except maybe a pissed off Lioness,” he replied and winked.“Now, before you think of ways to grovel to my sister, how about we get some work done.”

“Yeah, man.Sorry about all this.It’s been fucking with my head.”

“Love can do that to a man, Eduardo.We are good, I swear.Now, about the security for tonight’s re-opening event,” Konstantin began.

The phone ringing drew their attention, and Eddie waited as Konstantin answered.Using his supernaturally enhanced hearing, he listened as a familiar voice spoke to Konstantin.

“Mr.Petrov, this is Detective Sergeant Rami Llewellyn, from the 135thPrecinct.Our sources have received a viable threat to you and your family, and I was hoping you would have a moment to talk in person?”

Eduardo stood, calling for the car to be brought around the front.Konstantin had already hung up and was on the phone with Yasmin first, then his mother next.

“I got Alina,” Eddie said, before dialing her number.

“Hello?”she answered breathlessly, and he knew she was practicing.

“Alina, it’s Eddie.”

Her silence told him all he needed to know.She was pissed about his skulking off after they had made love, and rightly so.
